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My Presentation For Interview Tommorow


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Staff_meeting.docHI all


i have the interview for the managers job tommorow,


i have to do a presentation of the nurseries up and coming Ofsted inspection, and how i would deliver a staff meeting about it.


attatched is my presentation,


what do you think, any feedback appreciated.


not attatched, but also included in my presentation is the list of the 14 national standards, the five outcomes and a sheet about what the inspector will look for on the inspection,..... these sheets i will refer to in my 'mock' staff meeting




**** forgot to say the bit in bold is the bit i will be talking through on the interview***

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I think your presentation is great. You seem to have covered everything.One area i have heard that ofsted are hot on at the moment is exit and entrance procedures, especially with groups who have shared premises.

I wish you luck with your interview, let us know how it goes, GOOD LUCK

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Yes at our recent inspection the accuracy of the registers - children being signed in and (especially) out was highlighted. the inspector said she was speciffically looking at how the hcildren were welcomed and went home.


your presentation looks very comprehensive - best of luck for tomorrow!

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Interview is 1pm today, haven't slept well at all, god damm nerves!!!!!!!!


will let everyone know how it goes






Your presentation looks good, you appear to have covered everything.

Good luck from me, what times your interview so I can cross things for you?


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