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We've has the call today. This is my PPA time!


they are coming on Tuesday and Wednesday.

I am a reception class teacher with 29 children. our topic is transport and our theme this week for that week will be boats.


I am now having a mad panic of lots of things to do in each area. This is what i've got so far.



Focused writing: desert island message in a bottle

Reading: selction of boat themed books. does anyone know a good desert island story to set the theme for the writing?

Explore writing: passports, tickets, holiday bookings



boat addditon and subtraction



floating and sinking

boat making e.g foils, plastercine



Captains coming games, row your boat



water safety

Jesus appearing to the fishermen



bubble printing.



If anyone has any great ideas i would be really greatful. Thanks a lot




I am also concerned that as the children as so close to year one they may want to see more formal lessons. am I right to be worried?


Maths - shape boats - using selected shapes and introducing shape names - Triangle sails, cylinder funnels, circle port holes etc

CLL - Mr Gumpy's outing - last week we used the story and small world props to retell it, then on the Friday, we brought an inflatable dinghy and told the story using all the children (exept 2 who wanted to be the audience) to put on a Mr Gumpy's show (PHY) - lots of lovely extension work followed on the writing table, and craft area - making 'junk' boats from different materials - plastic, polystyrene, wood, metal - (KUW) floating sinking how many small world figures would fit into our boat before it sank.


Hope this helps


....and good luck too.


Hi Natasha

A really nice desert island story is "A friend for little bear". Here is a link to Amazon which gives a brief outline of the story. It is a lovely one for PSED.



Good luck - for making boats, you could just provide a selection of 'junk' and ask children to think what would float - piece of paper floats initially, but gets waterlogged etc.


Creative - could play some 'water music' or good old Rod Stewart 'We are sailing', and let children free paint with sea colours, to make a wavy sea background that they could stick boat shapes on when dry/paint boats on. Could teach them 'Yellow Submarine'.


Hope it goes well for you


Harricroft xxx


Thanks everyone


it seems a nice topic and one i can get a lot from.


Cheers for all the ideas.


Has anyone else had OFSTED, Can you remember what sorts of questions they asked you?


Just wanted to say that your ideas sound lovely, especially using water at this time of year ( helps cool children down).

I'm preschool so can't help with info re: what questions. I would assume it would be possibly about the schools SEF, but may not be. I think you have asked the million dollar question yourself, I don't even think the Inspectors know what questions they will ask until they have arrived / observed a while. So, just take a deep breath, have faith in your children who will undoubtedly show the Inspectors, in their own way, just how good you are :D


Good Luck and be thankful it will all be over before the hols. ( I feel sorry for people inspected at beginning of Autumn term as they are just trying to settle children in)




Sorry Natasha-I forgot to say good luck!



Bearing in mind the transitions between FS and KS1 document- Continuing the Learning Journey- I would hope that they would want to see good FS practice rather than lit/ num hours. If your planning shows how over a week that you are planning for phonics, guided//adult led/independent/ activities with examples of mental starters for numeracy/ plenaries with small grps for the activities that they are doing. They should' nt expect to see this in one slot- its just not how FS works is it! Just be prepared to justify what you are doing and why!!!!!!!!!


Collegue I know in a different school works in a FS unit and they show on their planning the different aspects of sdult/ child led/ phonics/ mental statres over a daily session. they were not alwasy linked together (Autumn term) but may occur over a period of time over a day or week. they were judged good.


Takes confidence to be sure that what you are doing is right so self evaluation is always good practice as we are always doing this in FS.


Hope this helps




Bearing in mind the transitions between FS and KS1 document- Continuing the Learning Journey- I would hope that they would want to see good FS practice rather than lit/ num hours. If your planning shows how over a week that you are planning for phonics, guided//adult led/independent/ activities with examples of mental starters for numeracy/ plenaries with small grps for the activities that they are doing. They should' nt expect to see this in one slot- its just not how FS works is it! Just be prepared to justify what you are doing and why!!!!!!!!!


Collegue I know in a different school works in a FS unit and they show on their planning the different aspects of sdult/ child led/ phonics/ mental statres over a daily session. they were not alwasy linked together (Autumn term) but may occur over a period of time over a day or week. they were judged good.


Takes confidence to be sure that what you are doing is right so self evaluation is always good practice as we are always doing this in FS.


Hope this helps




We had OFSTED at the beginning of this academic year and it was SOOO different to previous experiences - they were really focused on the SEF and were looking for evidence that what was in the SEF was a true reflection of where school was. Can't remember what questions I was asked, I don't remember having a 'formal' interviews as has been the case in previous OFSTEDs.


As Lisa says, given the push towards transition into Y1 I would hope they won't be looking for more formal lessons. If you feel your children aren't ready for this you should be able to argue for this. If they've all already achieved all the ELGs they might be ready for a formal curriculum in Y1 (in theory!!). BUT anyway - how much learning is going on through play should be what's important, and if you children are focused, excited and learning then surely this is what matters.


Good luck,



I've heard that schools are now inspected using the Every child matters framework..is this true?

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