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Sand Dilemma


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I was just wondering if any one uses 'builders' sand for their sand provision. We have always used 'play' sand but as this is quite fine we have found that it goes everywhere!! Not an uncommon problem I know, but it did lead me to wonder whether we could use a coarser sand, does any one know of any health and safety issues?


Thanks for your ideas and help



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Guest tinkerbell

I think builders sand has not been washed and may have stuff in it that is not good for children.


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Definitely stains badly Ruth. Not suitable at all! :o


By the way, don't know if people are aware that Chandlers and builders merchants also sell play sand, usually much cheaper than the catalogues and if you buy 10 bags or so and let them know it's for a nursery they'll usually discount it quite a bit!

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Crikey, that sounds good! :)


Sadly, I don't think we've got any quarries around us...


Incidentally, talking of sand getting everywhere, you might not have found Dee's Sand and Water article, which gives her opinions on the use of children's play sand. Find it here.

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Thanks all for comments.

You know what its like when you've lost your sense of humour...... Dee's article has certainly given me mine back......or maybe its because I have finished for the week.. hmm. :o

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