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Is This A Record?


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Is this a record?


Last february 2005 we took on an apprentice, we sent off the forms to Ofsted and we sent CRB forms in March to Ofsted. In september 05 she eventually got her CRB returned to her.

TODAY I recieved a letter from Osfed telling me she is suitable to work with children!! 1yr and 4 months after the initial DC2 had been sent.


Glad they are so efficient!!


To add to this we are still awaiting the committee to be all cleared or approved from last November, 1 was done in Jan, on enquiry as to why no others they said one needed chasing up as her CRB from school was OK, and would send form to others.


so far only 1 more has recieved a form and was cleared in 2 weeks!!


Yet another call and as a committe member had moved in March (4 months after sending DC2 in ) it was the reason she did not get a form (even with post being forwarded!)and now has to write to ofsted to get a change of address form to return that before they will send a CRB form...


HELP...when will it end....


well I know it won't because as soon as this has been sorted, if it ever is, we jump on the merry-go-round again as committee changes in October and it all starts again.



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I know the feeling, we sent of our committee DC2's in november last year, i have been chasing ever since, not one member has been cleared yet. My whole committee will be standing down in October so we will be going on the merry go round again. I now have one committee member who is going to become staff in september, but she still has no clearance after being on the committee, so what will happen with her check i don't know, do i now take her as staff and do it through our independent CRB people who do staff checks as nothing has come back from ofsted. They said they were sending me different forms for the committee but that was 3 weeks ago, still no forms have arrived. Oh well, guess i'll just keep on phoning!!!!!!!



Forgot to add, the commitee for the year before we have now were never cleared they just stood down before their checks came through, funny thing though we are still waiting they have nevr been cleared!!!!!! when i phone they just took off the people we don't need anymore!!!!

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My Manager had her DC2 done in September 2001, I received her CRB check in January 2003, no letter yet from ofsted as a suitable person. EVERY TIME I have a staff change I notify ofsted with a new list of ALL my current staff, each time my managers name has been on this list, I must have sent about 10 lists since opening in 2001 ( staff retension initially being a problem).

These lists obviously go in the proverbial BLACK HOLE, obviously along with our registration fees, because they certainly aren't spending the money on staffing their admin departments are they :o


I have also had Inspections in 2003 & 2005, when staff details were given to the Inspectors, and last week I was informed by the Ofsted Inspectors visiting me that my manager is still not registered / recorded on the Ofsted database as even working for me xD


Reminds me I must send off another DC2 for her (AAAAHHHHH)





actually I think that when this post has had a few more comments added I might even email it to ofsted, what do you think?, would that be ok Steve.



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We are still waiting checks on our committee who were elected last Ocotber. Most will be leaving in 4 weeks time. Oftsed have been contacted several times by phone, and by letter with still nothing having happened...... At least it is good to know we are not the only ones having problems.

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Guest MaryEMac

We employed an assistant in May 2004 and duly sent off the DC2 forms, she left in December 2004 due to family cicumstances. We have never received her forms and clearance. About a month ago our chairman got a letter from Ofsted saying that if we still had that person working on the premises we would be in trouble as we had not sent forms for her. Chairman was a little miffed to say the least especially as previously she has had to send duplicate forms for other assistants as they had been 'misplaced' :o .


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