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Happy Birthday Peggy


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I had a lovely 'me and hubby' day. Although we both work from home we don't actually get much us time together so it was great to just get in the car and have a day out.


We went to a shopping complex we had never been to before, I got spoilt with some retail therapy. Added bonus the NEXT store at the complex was having a final reductions sale :D:(:D .

I got new shoes, jacket, tops and toiletries, what more could a girl ask for.


as for mystery lunch, it was rather a late one - too busy shopping at lunch time xD .....so my late lunch was at 5 pm was a burger at the local pub watching the footy :o ......... and I enjoyed both. :D


A bottle of Champagne, a few wine spritzers later a good end to a good day............ and because I'm the boss, I am now enjoying another day off to recover :(



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OOh dead sorry I am so late in wishing you a Happy Happy Birthday - haven't been able to get on for a while, study, kids, work and all that. Took my boys on an overnight fishing trip - took me two days to recover. Sounded like a good lunch/tea and some retail therapy - cant ask for more than that. Wishing you every happiness over the coming year and wishing you all that you wish yourself.

lots of love


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