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Today I rang the Oen University to register and interest with them for enrolling on the EYP course and they hadn't heard of it??? Is there anyone out there who is thinking of starting this course and if so how can you enrole.

Inthe NW magazine it said that the OU would be one of the agencies running this course?

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I have also tried to find out more about this training google couldn't help last time I looked either ( I thought google could find anything!!!) Let me know if you find out....


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As far as I am aware there is nowhere to register yet but you can request an 'expression of interest form' from the NDNA. Alll you need to do is email

info@ndna.org.uk and ask for an 'expression of interest form'

The EYP standards are currently out for consultation and not due to be finalised until June. Training is due to start in September and the OU are involved but the fine details have yet to be finalised.


Hope this helps

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I've sent off the expression of interest form, it is for the "pilot" 1st course, starting in September, through the OU. I think, but don't quote me, that the course will role out nationally in January 2007, following this pilot.



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