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I buy my registers but I remember someone saying they print their own and have "time in and time out" etc. Was it you Peggy? I would like to see a copy of something like this as my existing register doesn't record times, etc. Can anyone help please?




Sue J


Thanks Peggy and Hali

I've printed off the examples and will definitely change mine. Do you fill in the actual time in and out Hali?

Obviously you bind/staple the pages together - but is it OK to have 'loose leaf' pages instead of a 'proper' book?

The register I have at the moment is a PLA one it contains, children in Pre-school, (marked in and then just crossed out at the end of the session, if they are absent then I write an A), useful phone numbers, childrens names, addresses, phone numbers, date of birth, doctors name and contact number, etc. - where do you keep all this other info?

Our Registration forms include childs address, phone no. doctor etc and are kept in a locked cupboard , so we actually have all the info once, perhaps we don't need it all again. It is just quite handy having it all in one book.


Sue J


we have the session times in the in/out box and just tick when children arrive at that time we only write time if they arrive after initial in flux and staff have locked doors or if they depart early or late!Ofsted were fine with that



We have a register pretty much the same as the others-a sheet for each week. I then put them in a plastic wallet in a ring binder. I also keep our information forms in there-so everything is in one place. This is available during the morning for staff to access but is then locked in a filing cabinet at the end of the morning. We have a separate register for staff based on the same format.

This means we only need one lot of information and all phone numbers are easily accessed.


we have the session times in the in/out box and just tick when children arrive at that time we only write time if they arrive after initial in flux and staff have locked doors or if they depart early or late!Ofsted were fine with that





We do the same as you and ofsted were fine about it.


We have daily registers.



Guest cathy m

As a Childminder, I use the NCMA attendance register which consists of a monthly page per child. I think it's also worth mentioning the importance of entering exact times (not contracted times) as a way of protecting settings against potential allegations. The register is our evidence of when and for how long a child was with us.




I agree with that Cathy! Many a time I have had to check our registers when staff write down the same contracted time each day, especially when I know full well that some either arrive early or leave late!


I'm a bit of a stickler for details, and this doesn't always endear me to my colleagues! :o

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