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Just a simple thing - but can I find it!!

The national standards say:

'Calculations of available indoor space are based on the gross area of the rooms used by children'.

Where are the 'calculations'? Can any one help - our physical area has changed due to new storage units and for my peace of mind I would like to know if this alters are numbers.

The children are 2 - 4 years old.

THANK YOU in advance.....


Hi Julie -

My copy is a little old but I don't think it's changed - the Full DayCare standards, Standard 5, section 4.7 gives the number of square meters per child:


Age 2 Years: 2.5 square metres

Age 3 upwards: 2.3 sq m.


Strange - apparently the bigger they get the less space they need? :o


thanks Steve

I realise now that I have been only looking at Full Day Care: Guidance to the National Standards. Now with the right publication.

Where is the logic in smaller space for bigger children?

Where is the logic in smaller space for bigger children?


Probably something to do with their ability to negotiate available spaces.

Or the radius they need when they have done something nasty in their nappy lol


Seriously though I have no idea.


In theory just because there is a storage cupboard taking up floor space the number of children does not need to be reduced

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