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Invoices: Generating an invoice

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In this tutorial we will cover how to generate an invoice for an individual child but if you would like to do this in bulk for a group of children, you can take a look this tutorial here

Before generating your first invoice, we would recommend making sure you have your Invoice Configuration section filled in. This is where you can set what information is displayed in the header and footer sections of all PDFs you generate of invoices on your account. Here you can also the default due date for your invoices, which is the number of days after an invoice is generated that it becomes due. You can read more about how to do this here

Once you've completed these configurations, you can now generate your first invoice. 

To get to the main Invoices page you will need to go to the 'Management System' tab (1), then click 'Finance' on the left-hand menu (2) and select 'Invoices' (3). 

If this is your first invoice this page will be mostly blank. To create a new invoice you can either click on the blue "+ New" button in top right (4) or you can select the "+ Create Invoice" button for a specific child (5). Alternatively, you can generate invoices for multiple children at once by clicking the 'Bulk Invoice' button (6).




On the invoice generation page, you'll need to choose which child the invoice is for by using the drop-down menu (1). If you selected the "+ Create Invoice" button next to a specific child then this will already be filled in with their name. Then, select the date range you want this invoice to cover (2). By default the rate range will be a whole month and it will be the month you are currently in.

The invoice will automatically include any sessions (3), extra bookings (4), and extra charges (5) that fall within the selected date range. If adjustments are shown you then can refer to this tutorial to find out why.

For example, here we can see that Eva has 37 regular schedule sessions and one extra booking (6) within this invoice period of September 1st to September 30th (2). You can also see how many funded and unfunded hours Eva has within this period (7). At the end of each item's row you will see the price (8) and then at the bottom you can see the total to pay (9). If you have 'Balance Brought Forward' turned on, this will also appear. If it is a positive amount as shown in this invoice (10), it will be deducted from the total due. If it is a negative amount, this will be added to the total of the invoice. 




You can click on the drop-down icon to show the full details of each item type (1), or use the "Expand All" button in the top right (2) to detail everything. 




The other thing you can add to your invoices at this stage are "Additional Line Items" (1). This is where you can add anything additional to your invoice that isn't covered by the child's schedule, extra bookings, or extra charges. You can add positive amounts to charge for something, and you can also add negative amounts for refunds or discounts, etc.

Just add in your item name (2) and price (3), and you'll see the invoice total update (4). The total will also take into consideration  the balance brought forward (5). Additional Line Items can be removed if needed (6).

Once you are happy with these details you just need to click one of the blue "Generate" buttons (7).




After generating an invoice, you will be taken back to view it. From here you can create an invoice for the next child in the list that doesn't have an invoice for that period (1), or you can return back to the main invoice page (2).

Here you can also download a PDF copy of the invoice (3) and/or mark it as sent (4). Marking as sent is for when you will manually send the invoice to the relative yourself. 

To send a copy directly to the child's bill payer/s through Tapestry, click on "Send" (5). In order to do this you'll need to make sure that you have the child's relative/s assigned as their bill payers (6).




After pressing "Send" for the first time, or "Select Bill Payers", a pop-up box will appear listing all of the child's linked relatives. If they have no linked relatives you can go to the Manage Relatives page (1) to either add their relative/s or link the child to existing relative/s. Once a relative is linked they'll appear here and you can select them as the child's bill payer by ticking the box next to their name (2) and selecting "Confirm" (3). 




Once you have at least one bill payer, you can then "Send". This will send the invoice directly to the relative through Tapestry. 




This will be confirmed in the history at the bottom of the invoice.




Back on the main Invoices page, you will see the invoice you have just created. Here is the example on we did for Eva. From this page you can also manage the statuses of your invoices. You can read more about that in this this tutorial.






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