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Online Register export

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In this tutorial we're going to look at how you can export the Online Register for children from Tapestry. For details on how to use the Online Register, you can refer to our tutorial on this here

The Online Register export  for children can be exported in two different formats: PDF and CSV, while the Online Register export for staff can only be exported as a CSV.  I'll cover both in this tutorial. You can use the links below to skip to the section that is most relevant for you.

Exporting the Online Register for children as a PDF

Exporting the Online Register for children as a CSV

Exporting the Online Register for Staff as a CSV


Exporting the Online Register for Children as a PDF

This will need to be done through the 'Management System' (1) tab at the top. Once here navigate to 'Exports' (2) from the left-hand side menu and then in the 'Register' section, click 'Child Register PDF Export' (3).




On the export page you can customise what is included in the export and how it is laid out.

In the 'Export Options' section you will need to select your register date range (1), and then whether you would like to create a separate register for each room, or combine all children into one register (2).

Once you're happy, click on 'Generate PDF' (3) to export the register. 




Next, click on 'Layout Options' to open up the options as to how it will be formatted. 




The layout options are divided into four sections:

  1. Expected Times - when it comes to displaying your children's arrival and departure times, you can choose between showing either their overall arrival and departure time or their individual booking times. The former will display only the earliest arrival time and the latest departure time for each child. Alternatively, individual booking times will instead show individual session times each child is booked into.
  2. Optional Fields - you can choose to display whichever of the available optional fields you like. You can show the child's DOB and age, or have 3 extra rows to add anything additional to your register by hand. You can also include booking notes, which will show notes you recorded when creating extra bookings or absences.
  3. Extra Field - choose whether you include Notes or Dropped Off/Collected fields on the export. You can only have either the Notes or Dropped off/Collected by fields included on the export, but not both.
  4. Sort Children - decide what order children are shown in on the export.




The PDF export will be downloaded straight to your device or browser. 




Depending on your layout and export options, your printed register will look something like this:





Exporting the Online Register for Children as a CSV

To export the Online Register data as a CSV, select 'Exports' (1) from the left-hand side menu, then in the 'Registers' section (2), click 'Child Register CSV Export' (3). 




Before exporting you will need to set the date range from the 'Start Date' and 'End Date' sections (1). You can also choose whether you want the export to be for the whole setting, or a specific room (2). 




Once you've set those options, just click the 'Generate CSV' button at the bottom. 




The file will then be downloaded onto your browser or device.




Once you download and open the file, it will look a little something like this:




Exporting the Online Register for Staff as a CSV

To export the Online Register data for staff as a CSV file, select 'Exports' (1) from the left-hand side menu, then in the 'Registers' section (2), click 'Staff Register CSV Export' (3). 




Similarly to the Online Registers exports above, before exporting you will need to set the date range from the 'Start Date' and 'End Date' sections (1). Once you do that, you just need to click 'Generate CSV' (2). 




The file will then be downloaded onto your browser or device.




Once you download and open the file, it will look a little something like this:




So, that's how to export the Online Register for children and staff from Tapestry as a PDF or CSV. We hope you found this tutorial useful!



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