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How to delete or remove access to group login pages

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If you want to permanently delete or remove access to a group login page (so no one can login from the devices that had previously been set up), there are a couple of very easy steps to take.

Please note that this is different from just temporarily turning access off. You can see how to do that a the end of our how to use the Child Login feature tutorial


The first thing to do is log in to Tapestry as a manager, the staff member who created the group login page in question, or a staff member who is allowed to edit group login pages created by other staff members.

Then, go to Child Login (1), find the group login page you want to delete/remove access to (you might need to click on 'Show class or group login pages set up by your colleagues') (2), then click 'Manage' (3).




At the very bottom of the page you're taken to, you'll see two red options.

The first one is to remove this group login page from all computers (1).
You'll possibly want to do this if you've got rid of some devices you were previously using, or if they were stolen. It could also be useful if you've held onto the devices but they've been moved to another part of the school. 

It will mean you have to set new devices up in order for the children to log in at school though. See our tutorial on enabling other devices if you're not sure how to do that. 

The second option is for you to permanently delete the login page (2).
You should only do this if you don't need this group login page at all any more. You might want to do it as an end of year tidy up. 
Please note, this action is irreversible.

If you just want to change something about the group login page, it might be easier to edit it rather than delete and start again. This tutorial can help with that! 


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