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Hello everybody

We have just started using Tapestry at our setting. Before Tapestry we have used books that we have stuck photos and observations in for the parents to have the end of the year.

With Tapestry we know that we can export the journals for the parents, but we were wondering what other settings do? Do you still print some hard copies out for the parents so that they have something handed to them or do you just send the file to them?

Thank you for your help in advance


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9 hours ago, Emma Bailey_902595195 said:

Hello everybody

We have just started using Tapestry at our setting. Before Tapestry we have used books that we have stuck photos and observations in for the parents to have the end of the year.

With Tapestry we know that we can export the journals for the parents, but we were wondering what other settings do? Do you still print some hard copies out for the parents so that they have something handed to them or do you just send the file to them?

Thank you for your help in advance


Hi Emma and welcome. We now just send the PDF download to the parents at the end of their time with us (and send it to school with permission) . We do give the children a small present at the end of pre-school so we do have something to give but most parents seem to live their life online now so are very happy to have a virtual copy. This year we also did some photos with staff at the end of term as often these are taken on the last day as a memory and this wasn't possible. They turned out really well because the children were very relaxed. We also did a group photo with everyone on the climbing equipment which was adorable!! (one of my staff was upside down on the bars!!!!)

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Welcome to the FSF Emma! 

Just in case you haven't seen the Tapestry tutorial about downloading journals for parents, the link is here

Like finleysmaid, lots of settings prepare the PDF download for parents and then provide something else to share, like the photos finleysmaid mentions - they sound so lovely!

Some settings will print out a copy for families. Some settings may collect larger pieces of artwork into a booklet to give to families, while others may like to give those kinds of things out as and when a child produces them so the child can talk about them in the moment with family members. 

So many variations! We hope you enjoy using Tapestry - and please do keep coming back to the Forum to ask questions and join in with discussions. 😊

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7 hours ago, Emma Bailey_902595195 said:

Thank you so much for your ideas

no problem...i have just remembered the first year we changed we gave parents a memory stick(cheap in bulk from Amazon) as an interim measure as we felt they might need something concrete but as i had 2 left at the end of the day i guess they weren't bothered!🙄

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