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Setting up the login pages for groups of children

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Once the Child Login has been enabled (see how to do that our Enabling Child Login tutorial), you can start setting up groups of children to use it. 

The first thing you'll need to do, is go to the 'Child Login' page.




You only need to set up one login page for each group of children, even if they have lots of different teachers. As long as you're a manager, or you have permission to see the pages set up by your colleagues, you can check what's already been made by clicking on 'Show class or group log in pages set up by your colleagues'.  Please note this section will not appear if you and your colleagues have not yet set up any login pages. 




If the group you're looking for doesn't seem to have their own page yet though, you'll want to set it up for them. To do that, either click on '+ Create a page for a new class of group', or 'Set up school computers for children'.  If you can see the group you want to use Child Login, but you're not sure how to make sure they can use it from the devices you have, check out our tutorial on enabling group login pages for other computers.




If you click '+ Create a page for a new class of group', then you'll skip the next two screens I'm going to show you. If you click on 'Set up school computers for children' though, you'll first be taken to a page explaining why you need to set a login page up for each group. If it is your first time setting up a group login page you will need to choose the option to 'Set up school computers for children'.


Then, when you click to 'set up school computers' you'll be taken to a screen where you can see any login pages you've already set up (1), a link back to the explanation from the previous page (2), and the option to create a new class/group login page (3). Let's click on option 3.




Now you need to choose which children you want to create this login page for. If they have already been set up as a group within 'Manage Groups' (see our tutorial on setting up groups),  you can choose that one from the drop down (1). If you want to select children that aren't already in their own defined group though, you can create a new one by selecting 'Edit groups' (2). That will take you to the control panel, so when you're finished there, you will need to click back on 'Child Login' in the blue menu at the top of the page and go through the same process as above until you are back at the 'Create a new class or group login' page. 

That's only really necessary if you think you'll want to see them as a group in another circumstance though. If you're specifically selecting children just for this login process, you can choose an existing group with them all in (All Children if there isn't a smaller one) and say you only want to include some of that group (3). 




If you do choose to only include some of the group, the children who can use this login page will only change if you edit it from the main 'Child Login' page specifically (or if they leave your school and their profiles are made inactive/deleted). 

If you choose 'All children in the group' though and then change this group from the 'Manage Groups' page in the Control Panel, those changes will be reflected in the login page you're about to create. So, if you have a group set up called 'Otters', and you create a group login page for them, then a new child joins and is placed in the Otters group, you can make sure they are added to the group you see across the rest of your account and to this login page just by adding them to Otters from the 'Manage Groups' page on the Control Panel. Equally, if you were to remove a child from Otters in 'Manage Groups', that child will no longer be able to log in using this login page. Our tutorial on editing a group login page explains that in more depth though!

Click Next at the bottom of the page when you are ready.




The next page will give you several options about how the group is displayed on the Child Login page; you can choose a group picture (1), how the child should be shown on the login page (as their profile picture, first name, last name, or any combination of that) (2), and what visibility the children will have when they type in their passwords (3). When you are happy, click Next (4).




The following page will confirm your choices - if you want to change any of these, just click 'Back' (1). As well as confirming your choices, you can also choose a name for the group login page, although one will be automatically generated for you to start with based on the group name (2). When you are ready, click 'Create Login Page' (3).




If all/some of the children haven't got passwords set already, at this point Tapestry will give you the option to generate passwords for them. You can choose the strength of the passwords from the drop down (1) and click 'Generate passwords for these children' (2), or if you'd rather do this at another time, you can click 'Skip' (3). If the children already have had passwords set for them though, this page will not appear.

If you need to set passwords for some or all of the children, we would recommend taking a look at our child password setting advice tutorial




Tapestry will then give you the option to preview what the login page will look like to the children when they go to log in (1). If you need to change something, you can do so by clicking 'Make Changes' (2). When you are ready, click 'Next' (3).




You can now choose whether you want to allow children to use the computer/tablet you are setting up the group login page from (1) or if you'd like them to use different devices (2). You can read more about the options for setting up other computers in our 'Enabling the same group login page on other computers' tutorial but for now, lets select 'This computer'.




That will take you to a page which confirms that children can now log in using the browser on your computer and explains when they won't be able to log in. The ability to log in is tied to the cookies on your browser, so if you know those are cleared frequently, you might also want to take a copy of the direct link which will add those cookies again. You can now click 'Finished'.




You are all done now, but Tapestry will show you a page with details on how you/the children can find the login page now that it has been created, and how you can turn that access off and on again.

When you are happy, click 'Finished' again at the bottom of the page and the system will return you to the Child Login main page.

You will be able to see your new group in the list (1) and a button to turn access for them off (2).




So, that's how to set up group login pages for the Child Login. This tutorial will then talk you through how to use the Child Login. 


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