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5 Things to do at the End of Term - Key Stage

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In this tutorial we will cover the main things to consider at the end of each term on Tapestry.

You can use the links below to skip to a specific section within this guide.

1)     Checking your summative assessments

2)     3 tracking screens – Attainment, Achievement and Coverage.

3)     How to export learning journals

4)     Transferring children

5)     Amending any staff



The summative assessment screen will show you the attainment of your children so far. You can view this data in a number of ways.

1)     Individual children for certain periods.

2)     Groups of children for certain periods.

To get there, simply go to the Tracking (1) > KS[X] Year [X} (2) > Summative Assessment. (3) 




Select a child, year and period that you want to see. (1)

This flag icon is the child's MAP Score (2)– the MAP score is the tier you are expecting the child to be working in during the year. You can enter and review that information from the MAP screen. The colour of this icon denotes the tier you’ve chosen. These little boxes after the flag icon are the previous terms tier scores (3). "Show details" will give you a list of all the contributing assessments/observations for this statement. (4)




Group view works in exactly the same way and is a great way of getting a bigger picture at a glance. You can use the filters to narrow down your results as you wish. Clicking on each one will also bring up the observations for this result.



To get there, simply go to the Tracking > KS[X] Year [X} > Attainment > Group View

This screen is all about your measuring a child’s attainment by comparing their MAP score to their tier score. This screen shows you a child’s MAP score (1), tier score (2) and attainment score (3). It does explain what these three things are at the top. But essentially the MAP score is where you think they should be working throughout the year. The tier score is where they are based on your observations and assessments and the Attainment score is the difference between the two.

Positive numbers in the Attainment Score column mean, on average, they are being assessed higher than their MAP score. Good news! Negative numbers mean their assessments are lower than that of their MAP score. The Category column (4) tells you this, giving you a leeway 0.5 either plus or minus. 




To get there, simply go to the Tracking > KS[X] Year [X} > Achievement > Group View

This screen shows you the child’s MAP score (1) and their most recent assessed tier scores (2), and it takes this from the summative assessment screen. At the end is the current Tier Score, again, this is the average of all the assessments that you’ve made for this period. 

In this picture, we can see Sophia's MAP Score is 4.00. Had no previous assessments for Autumn 1 and her current Tier Score for Autumn 2 is 3.52



If you scroll down, you can see the percentage of children achieving each tier and it’s broken into key people groups.



To get there, simply go to the Tracking > KS[X] Year [X} > Coverage > Group View

The last tracking screen we will look at is the Coverage Screen – This shows you which statements you have covered as a percentage (1). And as a fraction which is out of however many statements in your curriculum (2)





If you need to export any of the children’s journals go to your Control Panel (1) > Manage Children (2)

If you are doing 1 or 2 journals, then you can do them individually by clicking the cog menu (3) and selecting ‘export journal to PDF’ (4).





If you are doing a large group at one time you can do it by bulk by using the tick boxes (1) or the select all tool (2). Use the drop-down menu in the bottom right to export all the selected children’s journals (3), then clicking "Go" (4).




One important thing to review is the "recipient" - Take note whether it is for staff or relatives. 





To transfer children to other Tapestry accounts, go to Control Panel (1) – Transfer Children (2)

Here you will see 2 sections: ‘Send a Transfer’ (3) and ‘Receive a Transfer’ (4). If you’ve already gone through this process before, you may see ‘Current Transfers’ and ‘Previous Transfers’, too.

If you’re sending children to another account, click the blue ‘Send children to another setting’ button (5). Select the child or children you are sending. Review the other options carefully and once you’re happy click the blue ‘Start Transfer’ button at the bottom.

The transfer will now be in your “Current Transfers” (6) section. Clicking on this will reveal the Transfer Name and Transfer Key. The receiving setting need this information to continue the transfer process.





To make any changes to staff you need to go to Control Panel (1) > Manage Staff. (2)

Here you will see a list of all the staff on the account along with their status and account type.

Using the cog menu (3), you’ll see Make Inactive and Delete (4) This works in the same way as it does for children’s profiles. Making Inactive will prevent the user from accessing Tapestry and being able to reset their password. But you can re-activate them whenever you want. Do this by clicking the cog menu again and selecting “activate”

Deleting a staff member also means they can’t log in or reset their password, but you only have a 90-day window in order to reactivate them. After that they are permanently deleted. Within the 90-day period, you can reactivate them in the same way as before.




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