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Setting up your EYFS Snapshots (summative assessments)

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Please note that this tutorial is about tracking for the old EYFS. For information about tracking screens for the new EYFS 2021, please click here.


On Tapestry the EYFS snapshots were designed to show you where a child is at any particular time on your account. The summative assessments within this section will show this for each assessment period; they allow you to check whether children are working where you expect them to be and to also see how they are progressing between terms. You can check how you have your assessment periods set up by following this tutorial

The summative assessments are calculated as an average of children's assessments in each area for every term, see this tutorial for more details on this, but there are a couple of options you can set which will affect how these are calculated. We recommend you set these up at the beginning of your academic year or as soon as you start using Tapestry, as changing these during the year could affect the summative assessment scores you see. 


To locate these options, you will need to go to your Control Panel which you can find by clicking on your name in the top right-hand corner (1) and then selecting 'Control Panel' from the drop-down menu (2).





You'll then need to click on 'Settings' (1) to get a list of further options and from there select 'Summative Assessments' (2). 




I'm now going to go through each option one at a time:


Include assessments from unapproved observations

This option allows you to decide whether or not you want assessments from unapproved observations to contribute towards children's summative assessments. 

You would enable this option if, for example, you only ever check unapproved observations for things like typos and you are happy with the assessments staff make. Enabling this would mean these unapproved observations would contribute to the summative assessments. 

You would disable this option if you want to be able to check the assessments staff add to observations before you publish them. Disabling would mean the unapproved observations would not contribute to the summative assessments. 

To either enable/disable this option you just need to tick or untick the box (1) and then save (2).

If you ever want to see a history for this setting, which will show you whether it has ever been changed, you just need to click where it says 'View History' (3). You can do this for all the settings within the Control Panel. 




Assessment Periods

The Assessment Periods section on this page is for your term dates. You can change these to match up with your actual term dates by clicking on the 'Change Assessment Periods' button. Please see this tutorial for in-depth instructions for that.




Include Refinements

This option allows you to enable refinements (emerging, developing, secure) so you can see these in your summative assessments.

We recommend that you have the refinements enabled because they will allow you to see the progress your children are making at a more in-depth level. A child may stay within one whole age band for a long time but using the refinements gives you small stages that allow you to see the progress a child is making within an age band. 


When enabling refinements, Tapestry will calculate the summative assessment scores by averaging the age bands and refinements you have assessed a child in for each aspect within a term. For assessments that don't have a refinement, we use 'Developing'. This gives the most accurate picture of where the child is at, showing progress within the age band.


Use refinements when assigning the colour coding for whether a child is above, at or below expectations

This next option lets you choose whether the refinements are used when calculating whether children are at, above or below their actual age within the summative assessments. Tapestry calculates this by comparing a child's actual age (their age in months at the mid-point of the term) to their assessed age

Disabling the refinements means their assessed age will be the whole age band e.g. 30-50 months.

Enabling the refinements means Tapestry will break each age band down into a range, one for each refinement. This range will be their assessed age. Using the age band 30-50 as an example, this would be broken down as follows:

30-50 Emerging = 30-37 months

30-50 Developing = 37-43 months

30-50 Secure = 43-50 months

So, let's say we have a child who's actual age is 38 months. If you have the refinements disabled so you are just using the whole age band and this child was assessed in the 30-50 age band, they would be working at their actual age, regardless of the refinement.

If you have enabled the refinements, this same child with an actual age of 38 months may show as follows:

If they were assessed as 30-50 emerging they would be working below their actual age, as this range (30-37 months) is below their actual age.

If they were assessed as 30-50 developing they would be working at their actual age because 38 months falls within the 37-43 month range.

If they were assessed as 30-50 secure they would be working above at their actual age





Enable Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) snapshot

This final option allows you to enable an EYFSP entry screen on your account. If you want to use this, once you have enabled it you can follow this tutorial which will talk you through where to find this screen and how to use it. 



Remember to press the 'Save' button if you change any of the options on this screen! 


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