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Deactivating children


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This tutorial will show you how to deactivate children individually and in bulk.

There are three different options when deactivating children that will change their status depending on the option chosen. I'll give a quick description of each below:

1. Partial deletion 

Partially deleted children will have some data retained on the system. What's kept is as follows:

  • The child's name
  • Their DOB
  • Their booking, registration, invoice and payment data
  • Their accident forms
  • Any reflections they are attached to

All their other data, such as photos and videos, will be deleted after 90 days. It will remain in our backups for a further 90 days and then that data is permanently deleted.

2. Full deletion

Fully deleted children will remain in the account for 90 days in an 'awaiting deletion' state. During this time they will not contribute to the number of active children and any manager in the account can make them active again or export a PDF copy of their journal

At the end of the 90 days they remain in our backups for a further 90 days. At the end of the 180 days in total, they are permanently deleted and all their data will be irretrievable. 

3. Keep all data and make inactive

Children who you have opted to keep all the data for will become 'Inactive' on your account. All their data will remain on the account indefinitely and you can reactivate them at any point. They will not contribute to your number of active children on your account.

We would recommend only using this option if you know a child will be returning to your school/setting as keeping them on your account indefinitely may not be in line with your data protection policy. 


We'll now start by looking at how to deactivate children individually. To skip to the section and go to deactivating multiple children at once, click here.


Deactivating children individually

For this, you will have to navigate to the Control Panel from your profile's drop-down menu (1) and then select 'Manage Children' from the left-hand menu (2).




At the top of this page you can see how many enrolling, active, inactive and deleted children you have, as well as the total number of children and how many free enrolling and active child spaces you have on your account (3). By default you will see all children you but if you just want to see enrolling, active, inactive or deleted children, you can click on the appropriate button. 

You then just need to search for the corresponding child (4), click on the cog by their profile (5) and select 'Deactivate' (6).




The next screen you will be taken through to will be where you need to decide how you would like to deactivate the child. 

The first option will be the recommended one for 'Partial deletion' (1). As covered above, this means only specific data for the child will be retained. 

The next option is for 'Full deletion' (2). This will mean after 90 days, all of the child's data will be moved to our backups for a further 90 days. After the 180 day period, all data will become permanently deleted.

The third option is to 'Keep all child data' (3), essentially just making the child inactive on the account. This means you still have access to all of their data and they can be reactivated at any time (assuming you have enough space on your subscription). 

Once you are happy with the option you've chosen, select 'Review Changes' (4).




If you selected 'Partial Deletion', you will be notified of the data that is being retained (1) and what data will be deleted after 90 days (2). You will also see the name of the child you have selected (3). When you are happy to proceed, select 'Confirm deactivation of 1 child' (4).




You can now see the child has now been marked 'Inactive' and when the partial deletion is due to occur (1). You can also access the child through the 'Inactive' tab (2). 




If you select a child to be fully deleted, you will be notified that all data will be deleted in 90 days and this action may affect my historical records when viewed within Tapestry. You will need to tick the box (1) before you are able to proceed with the deletion of the child (2).




You can see the child has now been 'Deleted' and when their data is due to be deleted (1). You can also access the child through the 'Deleted' tab (2). 




If you selected to 'Keep all child data', no data will be deleted but the child will not be visible anymore. You will see this message at the top of the page. If you are happy to proceed, click 'Confirm deactivation of 1 child'. 




You can see the child has now been made 'Inactive' and that all their data will be retained (1). You can also access the child through the 'Inactive' tab (2). 




If you decide you want to deactivate the child, click the cog icon next to the child's name (1) and choose to whether you want to 'Fully Delete' (2) or 'Partially Delete' (3) them. 




Deactivating children in bulk

You can delete as many children as you want in one go. If you are deleting specific groups of children, such as cohorts for instance, you are able to filter by the specific group and then select them all.

If you do want to use the filter to search for certain groups, you will just need to navigate to the manage children screen as per the instructions above and then click on filter & sort:




You can select which children you'd like to deactivate by ticking the corresponding boxes (1), if you want to select all children at once you just need to change the select option to 'All' (2) in that page. Then just select 'Deactivate' (3) from the drop-down menu that will pop up at the bottom of the screen, and press 'Go' (4).




If you are going to be selecting them all and have more than 20 children to deactivate- which is the default number of children per page - you can first change how many profiles are displayed per page from the corresponding option at the bottom of the screen:




When you have selected the children, again choose how you would like to deactivate them and proceed with the steps. To be able to see the children you have selected, click 'View Children' (1). 




We hope you found this tutorial useful. If you have any further questions, please contact us at customer.service@eyfs.info.



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