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Letter Of Resignation


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I'm planning on leaving my current teaching post at the end of the school year, and want to hand in my resignation just before Easter. However, I've never done this before - previous posts have just evolved and disolved. What should I write? How much content should there be, i.e. do I need to give reasons? Who should I write it to - Head, governors, LEA or all of the above?

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I've written 2. The one to the playgroup committee stated that after a lot of thought I'd decided to move on, that I 'd enjoyed the years I'd spent there but I was interested in retraining (I'd hoped to do a tutoring course). I'd been there 9 yrs and most people knew I had thought of leaving once my youngest son was settled at secondary school. The second resignation was to the council who I worked with for a total of 25 hrs over 5 weeks. I told them that I thought my skills and experience could be put to better use elsewhere and I apologised for leaving so soon after taking the job. I have heard of exit interviews taking place in some places so if they do that there may not be a need for a reason although I think a brief outline might be expected. I wouldnt know who you would need to send yours to although I would have thought the Head, it can always be passed on to others as needed. :D


In the meantime take a look at this, it's from someone on this site ages ago :D


letter of resignation

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The letter should be addressed to the chair of the governing body although will probalay go through the head. ( you could cc the head)My last one was very simple (beacuse I was unhappy) simply said it was informing them of my intention to resign as of ...(date) followed by a statement saying I had learned a lot in my time there and wished the school success for the future. that was it. No reason, you dont need to give one unless you want to, and you also dont need to state what you intend to do or why you are leaving. Of course you may wish to add those things out of courtesy but you are not obliged to.

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I've written 2. The one to the playgroup committee stated that after a lot of thought I'd decided to move on, that I 'd enjoyed the years I'd spent there but I was interested in retraining (I'd hoped to do a tutoring course). I'd been there 9 yrs and most people knew I had thought of leaving once my youngest son was settled at secondary school. The second resignation was to the council who I worked with for a total of 25 hrs over 5 weeks. I told them that I thought my skills and experience could be put to better use elsewhere and I apologised for leaving so soon after taking the job. I have heard of exit interviews taking place in some places so if they do that there may not be a need for a reason although I think a brief outline might be expected. I wouldnt know who you would need to send yours to although I would have thought the Head, it can always be passed on to others as needed.  :D


In the meantime take a look at this, it's from someone on this site ages ago  :D


letter of resignation



I love the letter, must have missed it first time around.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


Tag your it!!! :D:o



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