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I'm looking for information how many intakes you do each year as a Maintained Nursery?


We've always done September/January/April after they turn 3,but it has been suggested we go to one entry in September. I can see the positives ( not starting again 3 times a year) and negatives ( everyone new at once!!) of this - but if we aren't full in September, I feel it would benefit us to have another intake in January, even if we drop the April one.


What does everyone else do? Iy would help to now if this is your school's choice or the LA!



we have one intake in September. We are a maintained Nursery class in an Infant school. I think this is the LA's choice but not sure.

We have the capacity to have 52 children at any one time and split the present 15 hours over 2.5 days (Mon/Tues all day and Wed am and then Wed pm and Thurs/Fri all day).


However, for the past three - four years we have never been full. Our numbers have ranged from 75 - 92. We have 87 on role at the minute. We therefore admit children on an ad hoc basis through the year. We have just had 3 new children start but just as they did another 3 children are wanting a place. We have decided to wait for a while to get these new ones settled before admitting the others otherwise it can be quite difficult (depending if they have or have not had any pre-school experience).


In September we have a staggered intake with the aim to get them all in over the first 4-5 weeks. We need to have them all in by the first census which is usually around mid October.

Hope that helps.



That's really useful. We have capacity for 52 if we run morning and afternoon but are not full. Are the children who have joined you during the year part of the cohort who started in September? We had said if children moved into our area during the year we would still take them as we do now but currently we seem to run at a loss by not being full.



not sure what you mean by "are the children who have joined you during the year part of the cohort who started in September?"


We only have one cohort each year (e.g. this one is 2016-2017) and the new starters will be part of that as the Nursery Class is for one year only September to July. Whether children start in September or part way through the year they are part of that cohort. Does that make sense?


We are hoping to! Looks pretty positive at the moment. Our numbers have been affected by only doing 15 so to be sustainable it's the best option.


It's 26 not 30, but possibly 1 intake. The reality at the moment is we only fill one session ( mornings) so the Universal hours at present would be the morning with the additional being the afternoons. Also looking at the possibility of those not entitled to the additional being able to pay for extra afternoons.


Not Maintained Nursery myself but all my 5 feeder schools take throughout the year if they aren't full (very rare that they aren't) - they do however fill afternoon places with younger cohort children (the day they turn 3) but it is just in an afternoon (at the moment!)

Not sure what 30 hours will bring though, I am presuming there will be less afternoon places available and therefore they won't be able to take the 'just turned 3' ch and they will then stay in the community - fingers crossed!

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