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Any teachers? Interactive Whiteboard Software Ideas

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We have been extremely fortunate in being given an interactive whiteboard with all the extras. I have never used a whiteboard before and would love some suggestions of software people would recommend.


I'm sorry I don't know anything about interactive whiteboards - hopefully one of our school teachers will be along to give you some advice!


What kind of board is it? To be honest I mostly used mine for interacting with online activities on a large scale but you can use the software that comes with it to make some interesting activities.


I did things like writing letters on the board and marking the starting point - I'd enlarge them then children would practise letter formation on a big scale.


At bonfire time I set a black background and children used the tools to draw their own fireworks and write firework sounds.


I made a selection of coloured shapes on the board so children could move to make patterns.


Matching up capital and lower case letters.


Moving objects to match numbers for counting.


Sequencing pictures to tell a story.

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Thank you - I have never used one so I'm not really sure what to expect - I thought there may be software packages we could buy with games etc on but by the sound of things we just use what is already on the laptop but on the bigger screen?


There might be games/packages but I don't know about them. Mine was a smart board and I used the smart notebook software on it. If you look at www.topmarks.co.uk you can search for suggestions for whiteboard activities. I think the key thing is that you can write and move things around on it using fingers rather than a mouse.

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