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Objective led planning

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Hi I just wondered how you ensure children are accessing objective if not in therir area of interest. So if a child rarley paints and when does is at a very low level. How can you support them if you can't pull them away from there play to paint at easel? Hope that make sense?


Hi Skippy......it would depend what the objective was, if it was to use paint to mark make I'd offer paint in a tuff spot with tractors, dinosaurs or what ever they do show an interest in, have paper close by and demonstrate how they can make the marks on the paper and hope they follow your lead, if it was more about holding a brush I'd set out buckets of water and brushes....none of them resist 'painting' fences, walls etc...


We have a number of boys with little interest in mark making, I've just put a dry wipe board at floor level in the small world area and we were amazed how many use this :-)

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