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Hi everyone

I need an opinion of a child who started with us last term. when he arrived aged 2 1/2 exactly mum said he was like a whilwind didnt have contact with other childen etc.

he is exactly as she said cannot settle to anything, rushes about knocking over everthing and everbody in his way.

I felt before half term that he just needed time to settle into the enviroment as he had had no social contact but after half a term this week he has seemed to have got worse.

i have started observing him and basically am now realising that there is a problem and am going to have to approach mum. New news has also come to light week that he goes to every toddler group going and mum just lets him gets away with murder.

My obs have the following in them: some speach is unclear, although he is a bright child knows numbers, letters shapes colours etc, cannot work as part of a group, has no social skills, often walks round on tiptoe, any toys just tips ups and kicks around, bangs into children, very little eye contact, but understands instructions 1st time round and carrys them out.

if you sit with him with an activity he gets on with it ad seems ok - but left to his own devises in a group situ is awful.

Are these signs of dispraxia, dyslexia or another?????

can anyone shed any light??????


Hi Hali,


I would suggest that you talk to mum about taking him to the doctor, health visitor for advice as you are concerned- unless you can refer him to someone but I don't think preschools have that facility? Correct me if I'm wrong. Do you have any channels for help?


Certainly sounds like a child with a problem, could be ADHD, or dyspraxia or an ASD or? but he is entitled to help.

Keep a record ( a quick daily note of his activities & interactions, or lack of etc. rather than long observations that preoccupy you, should be sufficient)of what you see etc so that you have evidence for yourself and family , if needed.




Hi Hali -

Good advice from Susan - I'd just add that you don't need to diagnose the problem yourself (in fact it's better that you don't make any suggestions to the parents). The important thing is to initiate the conversation with the parents when you feel you have enough to talk about - as Susan says, it's important to make some notes so you have something to back up just a 'general feeling'!


There was a topic a short while ago which discussed the best way of approaching parents where a problem is suspected. You can find it here if you would like any help in that area.


Best wishes,




I would agree with the oher replies and add that whilst his 'mum lets him get away with murder', it is easy for others to form this opinion without knowing the full situation. It maybe that his mum is actually unable to cope/doesn't know how to/is embarassed/has had enough.....


This is obviously only my opinion, but it does sound like there's a problem that needs to be addressed.


My first thoughts were dyspraxia as this can be oral and motor...but I am no professional.


Good luck and let us know how you get on.

  • 4 weeks later...

One very simple but often overlooked cause of this sort of behaviour is when a child suffers from adverse reactions from food additives. One point for discussion with the mum should be around the childs diet - is she aware of issues concerning additives? Does the child get lots of sweets? Does she give him a well-known so-called "healthy" blackcurrant drink? In my experience diet can be a major factor with children who are "hyperactive". Once a parent understands that certain foods/sweets/drinks are acting like a drug on their child you can see dramatic changes in behaviour. It is important to be supportive in raising this as an issue and explain that many many people are unaware of the effect that some additives have on some children.

I would also have to say that in my experience it is not particularly unusual for a child under 3 to act in the manner you describe but if there is no improvement after 6 months or so I would be much more concerned.


hi there certainly sounds like you have reason for concerns

do you have an area senco - if so contact them for advice around talking to parents, getting support

as an area senco - i would suggest that ieps are put in place - followed by a review and then (with parental permission of course) contact other agencies such as the HV and educational psychologist - you are describing many features of ASD so its important to get the support co-ordinated in time for starting school, we have several grants available in bolton to support children at early years action stage

check out the website - ww.childreninbolton.org


we also have an agency which provides early years settings with a volunteer support worker



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