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Moderation Visit


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Hi, We are having a LEA moderation visit next week and I was just wondering if anybody had recently gone through the process and would be willing to share their experiences .....

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haven't done it this cycle yet, but ours is after half-term and I talked through what will happen with advisor last week

We need to send advisor our 'provisional assessments' - emerging, expected or exceeding for each child against each ELG. They will choose 5 children to be a representative sample of the cohort of 150.

On the day they (2 of them) will arrive before school and talk with whole team briefly.

Then they will talk with class teachers individually (1:1) about the child they have chosen, discussing evidence to support judgements. For each child they will talk about two or three ELG's so that the whole curriculum is covered by the end.

They will talk with TA's too if they are involved in the decision making process - some are, some aren't, they all contribute to it through observations of course.

Then they will feedback their findings to me and to the team, and finally report to the Headteacher.

They were very clear that any evidence we present is simply to back up teacher knowledge, so they won't be rooting through books and files as they have in previous moderations, nor do they expect to spend any time with children, except in unusual circumstances just to verify a judgement.

I'm sure all LA's are different, this is just what we are expecting now. Whole visit will be completed in a morning.

Good luck with yours!

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Last year we were moderated and I found it to be a great opportunity to have a professional discussion. My moderator used Tapestry in her school so that made the process so much easier when i presented her with my ipad. We are a really small setting so we almost ran through my whole class. I had the opportunity to talk about anyone I was not sure about with them which was really helpful as I had a few cases.

We talked about overlapping areas e.g. Writing and PD

Knowing the children was the only real prep that was needed but I still spent ages sorting out stuff?! for it!

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