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Ofsted Age Related Expectations


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Hi - can anyone point me in the right direction for the Ofsted guidance relating to on entry age related expectations. The last info I can find is from 2012 - I'm not sure if there has been further guidance since this?


OFSTED 2012 : Attainment on entry to nursery at age three
Most children are likely to be working within the ‘Development Matters’ band for 30–50 months, having shown competence in the preceding band for 22–36 months. This may be referred to as the age-related expectation at the beginning of nursery. Attainment on entry is likely to be below age-related expectations where a substantial proportion of children in a school do not demonstrate all of the elements in the 22–36 month band.

NB Most = 80% in Ofsted terms.OFSTED 2012 : Attainment on entry to nursery at age three


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This came up at my local Early Years network meeting only this week when discussing new Ofsted inspection guidelines etc and a Reception teacher talked about the recent Ofsted inspection at her school when the inspector argued that the 'average' child was now expected to enter Reception as Secure 30-50 months rather than Beginning/ Emerging 40-60 (however you choose to phrase it) not sure where the inspector had got this from or if this was now an agreed expectation but found it very interesting to hear!

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Yes Catma. I interpret it as they are taking into consideration the actual age and individual progress of the children at the different assessment points during the foundation stage. For example, on entry to reception, it might be 'typical' for a summer born child to be working within 30-50mth age band just as it would be 'typical' for an autumn born child to be working within 40-60+ mths. Obviously, your assessments would show which children are working 'below, at or above' their typical age band. Hope that makes sense :1b

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What happens if a child is say 40-60 securing at the beginning of recewould you expect them to be working within Nc levels by the end of reception? That is what we expect in our school but know the it is 40-60+ months so is it feasible that some children would take longer to be secure at this age and stage?

Also I pick up Autumn birthdays that are 30-50 months emerging (at the beginning of Nursery) as I feel they should be a bit further on than this. But the school are not really interested as they will still be expected level going into KS1 as birthday irrelevant apart from summer borns. Feels like another thing that only us EYFS seem to care about!

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