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Transition from R to year 1


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I am keen to develop the children's transition into year 1 and was wondering if anyone had any positive experiences to share please. Also wondering if anyone had some positive experiences or practise on how the R and 1 teachers worked together prior to the children's move? Or positive practise that has worked well in terms of assessment once the children leave R and enter 1?


We currently do some transitional mornings where Class Reception children go to a year 1 classroom to take part in activities and we do a meet the teacher morning, once the teachers have all been finalised for September. Last year the children wrote their year 1 teacher a letter to tell them all about themselves and this worked nicely as they enjoyed handing it over before starting in year 1.


Any ideas would be warmly welcomed! Thank you



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  • Yr 1 teachers spend time in the reception class in July and observe children jointly with the reception teachers
  • A project started in July carried on in yr 1 in sept
  • Essential that Yr 1 teachers are part of the QA process for EYFSP especially the exceeding so they can plan properly
  • Consult and find out what parents want to know about Yr1 and Primary expectations - there are often big changes for them too in terms of relationships with staff etc.
  • Consult with children to find out what they are concerned about and help them to identify strategies to manage their worries
  • TAs from reception go into yr 1 for a few weeks in September to help with familiar adults
  • Children start to do PE or go into the main playground if they don't already

These are from 2005 but still have relevance.



The powerpoint is particularly helpful.


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