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How do you do your Next Steps

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We used to plan Next Steps at the start of a half term. However, our advisor told us that they should be child initiated and much less long term. for Ofsted.

So we started to do them on the spot with a comment on what the child is doing, a proposed next step (hopefully to be possibly on the spot or written into the next week's planning) and finally an observation to show what happens that goes on to Tapestry.

What do you all do?

And had any experience of what Ofsted actually want?


We do next steps at start of half term too, based on a formal observation as well as all our less formal noted observations. It's normally around 4 things to be looking at/ providing, from their interests as well as maybe some things they wouldn't necessarily choose eg gaps in their learning. Then adapt and extend depending on how they are getting on with notes on the back of the a4 sheet with the points on. Ofsted were fine with this for us. We do planned and differentiated adult led activities each week too so these also provide next steps but in a different way! Hope that makes some sense!!!!! We used to do a key point with a next step each week for each child - ofsted told us this was too much and not necessary so who knows - that inspection we were good, latest inspection outstanding.

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We do a bit of both actually. When we do our learning journey's we have a main interest or theme that comes from what children are interested in and then we follow that over the term showing the bits we have added to extend skills and learning and then we sort of sum it up very briefly at the end with a possible 'we will continue to provide.....' type thing. We also set some next steps when children need to practice something like maybe extending language for example but some of the next steps in fact I would say a lot of ours are what we need to do to help them so continue to provide resources for X to create dens, or continue to provide opportunities for x to combine different resources etc.....


we also do objective led planning and have three focus areas (based on what the cohort needs) and that has next steps on it although sometimes these don't make it to learning journey its more important they have the experience. does that help?


Our next steps are just based on observation, some are tiny and almost spur of the moment things. Moving next steps along is important and doing them half termly or whatever wouldn't work for us. I just have it on my weekly planning sheet as an aide memoir to say 'do this with Lucie' or 'Joe needs more help achieving this'. Then when it's done I just record it

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Posted (edited)

Tapestry has completely changed the way we are doing next steps. We have historically planned next steps each 1/2 term but are doing them more fluidly using the next steps option on Tapestry. Each key person focusses on a couple of their children each week and plans activities/enhancements for them using the 'next obs' tab. At other times when it is not that childs turn to be under the spotlight they use the 'next obs' button to make assessments. The result is less paperwork and time spent thinking of next steps and more time actually working towards them

Edited by max321

We work our next steps as a rolling cycle. We work out their next step when the observation goes into their folder then mark off when they've achieved it with a date and work out the next next step from that next observation.


Tapestry has completely changed the way we are doing next steps. We have historically planned next steps each 1/2 term but are doing them more fluidly using the next steps option on Tapestry. Each key person focusses on a couple of their children each week and plans activities/enhancements for them using the 'next obs' tab. At other times when it is not that childs turn to be under the spotlight they use the 'next obs' button to make assessments. The result is less paperwork and time spent thinking of next steps and more time actually working towards them

I have just looked at this and realised it should have said 'plans activities/enhancements for them using 'next STEPS' tab' Duh, what can I say, its been a long week

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