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Birth To 3 In Nursery Class?


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I have recently started teaching in a nursery class in a primary school. The children turned 3 between September 2004 and August 2005. In January we are taking in more children who will have turned 3 between September 2005 and Christmas. As these children will be an academic year below the others, do they start on the foundation stage curriculum or will they need to do birth to three matters? It doesn't seem right if they are expected to be doing the same work as children a whole academic year ahead?!

Very aprehensive about it all! No one in school seems to know!

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If they turned three before the start of term, they need to be following the FSC, although you may need to have consideration to BTTM. But wouldn't all this be accounted for in your differentiation? It's how we operate, although in DN, things are slightly different. In my unit we have children from 2.5 to school age.


Sue :D

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From my point of view( working in the non-maintained sector)

I agree with Sue, they should start FSC, if you had a child with SEN that was not ready for FSC then BTTM would need to be considered (for example children with developmental delay). I would not expect children who had just started FSC to be working at same level as those who had been on it for a year. In the non-maintained ofsted are expecting settings with under 3's to link in the planning to BTTM. In schools I don't know what the expection is.

Are there any training courses offered by your LEA , as I'm sure it seems sensible that Nursery teachers in the maintained should need to have some knowledge of what BTTM contains. If not ask why? !


Sorry not to be any more help.


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They would be working on the early stepping stones whereas those children who have been with you for a while may have moved along some. We have children who are two years nine months and for these children we have regard to the BTTM framework, but we also have children who are turned three and some who are four. So they are on the stepping stones, but at different stages because of age and ability.


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THe issue of how BTTM links with FS is a hot topic with work ongoing on what is being called the Early Learning Framework - I'm going to a meeting on 7th November and there are others up and down the country between now and the spring to tease out how the two relate and dovetail. I'll report back when I've been. THere was an article about it in Nursery WOrld about a month or so ago - Leslie Staggs is leading on it, I believe. Some people consider the BTTM ends only when children are no longer three as it is not called birth to two matters... Others would say that FS starts at three so there is clearly an overlap.

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  • 4 months later...

I went to an Early Years co-ordinators meeting this week which outlined the future development of a single Early Years foundation stage which joins the BTTM and Foundation stage as a single framework using existing documents. This Spring is the consultation period.It seems sensible to standardise expectations across all providers but it seems a shame that the long fought-for distinction of a "Foundation Stage" for nurseries and reception classes should be made less clear and identifiable. The term "Reception "class will go, as the introduction to school will be seen as part of a continuing learning process.

Ofsted haven't decided yet how this will affect the inspection process.

Accordingly, I feel we must make our views known as the guidance is supposed to be produced in September.

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Hi Linda,


I am interested about the consultation period - can you point me in the right direction for any consultation docs, please? I have been trying to keep up with this one but just seem to be 'floundering' - which is something I'm not familiar with so don't like very much!!! I much prefer to have set goalposts!


Oops! Welcome :D


Thanks, Sue

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I'm going to the Education Show at the NEC next Friday. It depends on lots of things, but I hope to go to the Birth to Five seminar. If I cant go I'll try to pick up any relevent documents and post back. :D

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Thanks Rea,


It put off the ironing for a bit! :o I've saved it for a more thorough read later, but I can't find any real detail there, either. Thanks for the offer of info from the Education Show, I'd be grateful for it if there is any. I had hoped to get there myself on the Saturday, but something's cropped up I'm afraid. I'm fated never to get anywhere!!



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Spurred by your find, and the prospect of the ironing :( , I did another trawl around and I've found something!! I can't think why I couldn't find it before, but those who know me may be unsurprised. xD


I'm going to attempt a link, so i may be gone for some time :o




Fingers crossed - yes!! :( but you may have to scroll up to the top of the page - all 19!

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Quick post script -


Mysterious ways indeed!! Although I am unable to get to the education show on Saturday (dog-sitting while my son-in-law whisks daughter off to Paris for a romantic weekend!!!), my manager has decided we will go on Friday - :o , might see you there, Rea!!



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And what kind of message will that send to the man with the dating uk leaflet??  :o


Either the right or wrong one - it depends on how good looking he is Rea. xD


I would suggest a pink hat with a big arrow attached to the top. :D

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Guest lucyevans

This could be what you are looking for...




The Dfes vision of EYFS to download.





Hi Linda,


I am interested about the consultation period - can you point me in the right direction for any consultation docs, please? I have been trying to keep up with this one but just seem to be 'floundering' - which is something I'm not familiar with so don't like very much!!!  I much prefer to have set goalposts!


Oops! Welcome  :D


Thanks, Sue


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