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Feeling uninspired and need to come up with some ideas for 'challenging and measurable' performance management targets for myself for Monday. We have been instructed to work on Writing and to think particularly in boosting achievements in the higher achieving children. Any thoughts on linking that to Reception writing would be welcome.


Last year I said I would aim to have 100% of the class reading at least 5 core words and able to write 5 words by the end of the year. Obviously my high and middle achievers went way beyond this. I managed it on the reading but writing was more of a problem with one child who, though able to remember lots of Jolly Phonics actions when he listened for phonemes in words could not then relate this to letter shapes. He could therefore sound out say cvc words correctly, but would not be able to write them down - even giving him a 'tool card' with picture links for phonemes did not help. :o



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Hi Angela.

sadly we dont get an awful lot of choice when it comes to perfomacne managment targets. However, a traget of 100% of a class sounds unreasonable to me given that most classes have a range of ability and if you set teh tagert so low that the least ablecan achaieve it, then it isnt challenging for the more able, and vice versa. We usaly pick taregt giving eithe two thirds to achieve a certain point, or select a progress based on the profile..which you would hope all children would achieve. So even if theri starting point is lowere, they can still make progress from where they are.

Alternatively, we select particular groups of chidlren in line with school SIP. For example we have been criticised in the past fro not challenging our more bale chidlren enough, so one year our tagerts were all focussed on that group.


I hope that makes sense?

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Thanks Mundia that was really helpful. A change in management in my school meant a change of team leader and style last year. Previously newer members of staff were given more guidance on coming up with their targets. Last year we were told to prepare them ourselves and negotiate them with the team leader at the meeting. The fact that I ended up with something not very usable or suitable was my own fault as I had not come up with any better ideas. Shame I didn't think about asking here last time! :D I think going with something on writing from the profile seems to make sense as that's what we are working towards anyway!



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