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Any ideas on how we can stop a boy with Downs aged 36 months from biting?

There is no pattern to it that we have identified and no particular 'victim' it just happens randomly.

Nothing suggested by his portage worker seems to be helping


Just from experience from a friends child who bit others, maybe suggest they have their teeth checked. My friends son had a tooth that was dying and the pain must have been quite intense. The dentist suggested this could easily explain the biting. Following treatment, he didn't bite again.


However, if this is a tangent and totally irrelevant, please ignore me.


I certainly do empathise as I was bitten yesterday and will be happy to read anyone else's suggestions.


Spiral :-)


Monitor closely and prevent it wherever possible.

You can offer chewy toys to redirect the need to bite if it's sensory.

Have you done written obs to try to identify a trigger?

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I agree with the others, observe the behaviours and see if a pattern occurs.

To be fair it is a phase lots of children go through and is quite normal, for some children just a way of exploring. Try to keep a close eye and prevent the bite, if caught biting a firm stop! Biting hurts is what we use. Then comfort the child who has been bitten.

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