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New Member Titles!

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Hi -

Now, I should have mentioned when I did this, but I was fiddling the other day and decided that two member titles were a bit boring, so I changed them... :o


Member titles correspond to numbers of posts, so you get for example:


New User: less than 10 posts

Member: 10+ posts

Advanced Member 30+ posts

Mega member 100+ posts

Forum Inhabitant 250+ posts

Part of the Furniture 500+ posts

etc, etc.




I thought Advanced Member and Mega member were a bit boring, so I changed them in line with the way the higher posts were going. So now those with 30+ posts are called 'Settling in Nicely', and those with 100+ posts are called 'Feet firmly under the table'.


Hope this is acceptable. I'm happy to consider suggestions for the first two groups - my inspiration dried up after these two.


Apologies for any confusion - I've had a couple of queries so I thought I'd better clarify things! :)


Thanks Steve

I did wonder where the honorary titles came from - it all becomes clear now.

Sorry can't think of any inspring titles at the moment - but it is a Sunday morning!


The titles Steve is referring to come above the little circles on the left. It looks like you've changed yours to basil brush though. :)


Yup - as Carol says you can change the titles manually, if you don't like the default ones I set up. So you've edited yours from the 'My Controls' panel at some stage, which overrides the changes I made. :)


How about;


Hooked xD

Addicted :(

Absolutely Addicted :(

Requiring Re-hab :o


only joking :(





If anyone ever takes my place as:






I will be devastated!!




Why am I only a Full Member and everyone else is a Full FSF Member?


Did you join as part of the Cambridge group pandamonium? If so that is why you are a full member as opposed to a FSF member-it just differentiates the members who have joined as part of the local authority groups. At least that is what I think it is and if I am wrong I am sure Steve will let us know!! :oxD


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