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Large sand pit


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Looking for some advice and inspiration. Over the summer we have had a large 3m square outdoor sandpit installed. I haven't ever had the luxury of such a fantastic resource. I want to set up some resources that the children can access to use in the sandpit and I was wondering what other people have found their children particularly enjoy. Also any great ideas for challenges or activities would be great. Think the brain has slowed over the summer! Thanks!

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we have a resource trolley filled with the usual sand toys but tend to add as and when childrens interests happen, so we might put the dinosaurs in, or build a pool and add pirates, or diggers and wooden blocks, in fact any small world resources. We also have things like metal detectors or fossils which are not freely available but can be planned in as part of CP. We have added small tents (like the shelters fishermen use) and have 'camped' or have covered it in a sheet and played a huge kims game with the children crawling underneath to remove an object or we sit on top and guess what the things under are by touch. We have added pots of paint and 'coloured' in our sand models or put cooking utensils and a toy kitchen playcentre/ table and chairs and used it for role play (useful precurser to the introduction of the mud kitchen

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