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Religious displays


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Following on from my question about multicultural displays, I was wondering what sort of religious displays people have in their settings. We usually have a religious display up when we are celebrating something, eg a divali display after divali. But I was wondering more about permanent displays you might have up linked to religion. And are they linked to the cohort you have at the time?

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Might vary depending on if you are in a faith school as well, as they will usually have a permanent display usually in every classroom and serving as a focus for prayer and reflection. Mostly it's a statue, or a bible, candles etc.

Otherwise most schools I go to have displays linked to religious festivals but then most of our schools have umpteen different faiths and cultures in every class so it's fairly standard.


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Yep, we are a church school and I have a permanent spiritual/reflection display in my classroom - a cross and some age appropriate Bibles. We have various other displays around the school. One is one which reflects the current theme for Collective worship and each class in turn is responsible for it. At the moment we also have one titled 'An Easter Journey'. I need to take the title down as although it was put up for Easter it's not exclusive to Easter, more about caring for the world. My class have also just done a fabulous display (if I do say so myself ;) ) to illustrate the story of Noah's Ark.


I will sometimes have a display in my classroom to support/illustrate a particular aspect of our RE work or a festival but that is dependent on how much work we have done on it. We don't have many children from other faiths so I try to do things that make children aware of other faiths without it then becoming tokenistic.

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Thanks for the replies, we are thinking of building up a display that links to festivals that children in the class may celebrate.

We are still also thinking about the multicultural display I asked about in my previous post.

I want these things to be relevant though!

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