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Long Term Planning

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I am a little concerned about how much should go into long term planning. Mine has always been quite basic-the topics we are going to follow over the year and a brief description of each topic. Having looked at some examples recently they seem very detailed to me listing activities that will take place for each area of learning. I have always put that into my medium term planning-that is a topic web.

As I have my OFSTED inspection soon I don't want to make drastic changes just for the sake of it. What does anyone think?




Hi Linda,

Don't worry about posting things in the wrong place! It will take a while for us to get used to the new format :)

My planning is similar to yours, ie the medium term plans have the topics listed, and the activities are listed in "aspects" sections.

Our long term aims are the kind of philosophical statements, really, ie what opportunities for learning we will give the children, and so on.

I wouldn't make any drastic changes to your planning before an Ofsted, either!

I think your short-term planning will be scrutinised, so if you're planning activities as a result of observations made on your children, you're going about it in the right way. :D


Thanks for that Helen-it's reassuring to know that I am on the right track. :D:D

I am taking the attitude that whatever we are doing that needs improving then our inspectors will tell us-and that's not a bad thing. There is always room for improvement!!! :oxD



Linda, unless you have previously been in problems with OFSTED, they are unlikely to take much notice of your long term plan (as Helen says), but if they do, you can always say that you are in the process of reviewing it, as we are at the moment. Our LTP is going to be more based on the Stepping Stones-ELG to ensure coverage across the phase (nursery/reception). I am very conscious that some areas tend to get left out or paid less attention to and we want to redress that. Then the topics bceome the vehicle or means by which that is delivered. This way, if we want to change the topics (If I have to do the Hugry Caterpillar one more time.......) then we dont have to rewrite the LTP to account for that. The the medium term plan contains more details on the topics we want to covre, but its really the short term planning to gives the actual activities.

When is you OFSTED by the way. If its very soon, good luck, Im sure it woill be fine :D


Hi Linda


Our long term plans are just the skeleton for the rest of the planning.

It consists of the early learning goals to be covered, the themes and any special events or outings.

Very basic, but effective.

Good luck with the inspection.


Thanks Mundia and Sue. Our inspection is in November so not far off now!! At least we've got half term to have a rest beforehand-ha, ha!! I bet I'll be spending the whole week in there!

I will report back as soon as it has happened.




ive just had to change all my long term plans as we are going for accreditation.

now i have put in the topics, any events or visits and then as told by the acced. officer put all the aspects as in the back of the foundation stage profile book example: m1, kuw 4 - its not too much work just have to list them as in the backof the profile and then do your short term planning from them.

|i think once its all set up life will be easier.


hope that helps!!!


Thanks Hali for the reply. As we are a pre-school we do not have the FS profile book and Ive never seen one-I think I could do with getting hold of a copy if anyone knows where to go? Is it the same thing as at the back of Planning for Learning in the FS? That lists the areas and aspects for learning for the FS.



A number of planning formats I have seen use the 'code' either as taken form the 'planning for learning' document or from their own so if it works for you, then fair enough. I find that since I have all the stepping stones in Word now (thanks to Steve via this froum :D ) I find it easier to just cut and paste in to my LTP. Then I know what Im reading, whereas KUW 2a doesnt mean that much to me, and I still have too check back to see which area of KUW Im talking about!!! (Plus it wouldnt mean much to anyone new to Foundation either. As I said, do what works for you. :o


Hi Linda,


You can get a copy of the Profile Handbook free from QCA. Even if you're not using it directly it would surely seem like a good idea to at least be aware of it? At least you are then aware of the info that subsequent settings would find most useful? You can also view it or print it (but beware its lenghthy!) online. If you order it you'll also get a copy of the CD rom of examples, many of which were used on the training video for Reception teachers.


I always find the differentiation of medium & long term plans quite tricky as one seems to be much the same of the other if you're not careful. The planning supplement actually states that you can work straight from long to short, doesn't it? This seems quite sensible to me if you are going to be flexible enough to work from the child but I'm never quite brave enough to move away from the headings!

Consequently my long term planning is quite condensed, giving an overview of the year and resources re schemes etc that I can access and my termly outline is far more detailed showing Goals etc.

As I work in Reception the demands on me are obviously quite different to you, though.


My advice with Ofsted would be however to be comfortable with what you've got so that you can substantiate it easily if necessary.


Good luck




hi linda


yes - sorry its not the profile - just doing that as well as everything else - its in the back of the planning for learning as you said - we are a pre school as well!!


Hi Hali,

I'm puzzled about you having to reorganise your long term planning to fit in with the accreditation scheme, so I've started a new topic in the accreditation section. Care to add your comments? :D

  • 2 weeks later...

Linda, I feel for you! We had our inspection in June and I am still recovering! Takes time to refocus after the intensity of an inspection. My LTP was based on the goals and the medium term plan was much more in depth. The inspector was not really interested in the plans. The main focus was the "teaching".

Good luck.

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