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Creating wow moments and challenge

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Hi everyone,

I am trying to find some ideas of resources to put into both in door and outdoor areas to provide excitement for the children. we change our resources according to the children's interests but are not always great at finding those resources which either provide challenge or excitement for the children.


Feeling really increative atm possibly due to sef and policy workload.


outside - den building with sheets/blankets/clothes airers to be walls. peg sheets on airers. i asked parents to donate stuff and got loads. needs washing regularly though. bubbles. wooden planks and crates. hollow wooden bricks - big ones. dressing up trolley. musical instruments trolley. footballs/hula hoops/bats and balls suspended from string on trees to hit. ribbon wands/pom poms-cheerleader style ones. lots of trolleys with clear drawers for them to choose from e.g. sand toys/small world/maths resources etc. that's what our nursery children love most of all and all great for collaborative play x


Many thanks Sooty99 and mouse63 for your ideas. We have similar stuff out in the garden but not all the time. Our children too love the guttering and den making. Do you have any activities that give the children a wow moment such as a letter for the children to open. We did one from Santa's elves asking the children to help make and wrap toys in the toy factory. It gave the children heaps of excitement and enthusiasm. Thanks :rolleyes:


have done, yes. e.g. glitter trail and letter left by fairies, with tiny items dropped accidently, e.g. tiny cushion/china cup etc - doll's house furniture!! or giant talc footprints etc etc


we leave a water bottle marked fairy potion

and in the bottle is water, some kind of oil ie orange, glitter


they have a ball mixing it up with leaves flowers grass mud to make a magic spell or perfume


putting real veg and fruit with real knives into your home corner

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