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Writing up a care plan


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We have a child with the following Diagnosis:

Congenital CMV

Cerebral Palsy: (all four limbs affected)

Profoundly deaf with some visual impairment

Epilepsy, ( takes the form of eye brow flickering and absences)

Gastrostomy (peg)


We have been told we need to have a Care Plan set up for this child.

We have no Idear where to start writing one up, has any one got a care plan for somethink like this that they are willing to share with us.

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Have you tried contacting their health visitor, they might help you complete a health plan for the child, we had one very similiar with lots of needs and ours came and helped put one together, just a thought

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Hi with the child's complex needs I would certainly expect a care plan to be provided by the medical team that care for him. Not sure who you are insured with too, as they may also need paperwork to validate your insurance cover for them too. Fx

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Thank you all for your replies I will pass the info onto the manager of the playschool as it was her that was talking to me about it today.

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I had experience of writing a care plan for a child with complex needs several years ago. My area SENCO advisor assisted me with it as it was the first one I had ever done. I had input from the child's health visitor and doctor approved it. Ask for assistance so that you know it is done correctly.

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A member of my staff went on the SENCO referesher training on Tuesday and has returned that this need to be in play for all children with asthma, allergies and special educational needs!

Does everyone else do the same? If so, the template that SueJ has kindly shared will be good for all areas!!


Thank you in advance!


Miss Red

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