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Adult Behaviour


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i have just been doing some reading around the new requirements. The new framework emphasises the need for practitioners to be alert to inappropriate behaviour displayed by other people in their team or other adults working with children. does anybody have any thing which includes information and examples regarding this aspect that they would like to share.

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Safeguarding as well as voice tone, derogatory and inappropriate comments that could be made about children, other staff team members, parents/carers.

Alcohol and substance abuse, signs of stress or depression.

At our most recent Ofsted inspection it was advised although not a recommendation that we asked are all staff annually, whether there were any changes that could have an impact on their working with children. This has now been added to our annual appraisal forms. :1b

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this is about whistle blowing (you should have a whistle blowing policy ...perhaps as part of your safeguarding policy)....it stems from the nursery case where staff were aware that staff were not behaving properly (in accordance with policy and had changed the way they did things) but did nothing about it. We regularly talk about this with the team and include how and who they would contact if i did something that they felt was innappropriate... it might include behaviour with another adult as well as safeguarding for a child.






ohps sorry cross posted!

Edited by finleysmaid
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