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Hi Everyone,


I've never posted here before so hi all. I am quite new to Nursery. I previously taught in Key Stage 1 and finished my NQT year at Easter. Since then I have been covering the Nursery class until I start a permenant position with Reception in September. If I'm honest I have found it really different and quite difficult. I am being observed next week and I really need it to go well - my confidence is at rock bottom right now - but so far have not come up with any amazing ideas. The topic will be Olympics, if anyone has any great ideas for a carpet time activity and/or group activities I would love to hear them. I am so worried about this observation, I don't feel I'm a natural in Nursery at all and I just want to do the best I can.


Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance,


K x


Hi Karriegem does your observation have an area of learning focus e.g. CLL or a PSRN? it would help to know as then we could try to think of olympic activities related to those areas. Plus is the obs going to be for a family group session; how many children? Indoors or out?

Try not to worry...though one thing to remember is that in just a few weeks these children could well be in your own class so take time to get to really know then as much as possible in order to make that positive relationship with them. You may probably feel in a state of limbo at the moment with this only being temporary... try to make the most of the time you have. This could be seen as a real luxury - not many Reception teachers get to know there children ahead of September so look for the positive:-)


Right to business - post a little more info if you have it about the obs and I am sure there will be some really great ideas for you.


Thank you for your reply. I have my class list for next year so I know which of the children I will be having next year and your right, I am lucky in that respect. I have not been told very much about the focus of the observation (maybe I will ask tomorrow). The usual routine is that we have a carpet session, followed by free flow child initiated with one adult led activity inside and one outside, followed by another carpet session at the end. I think the observation will include the whole class (25 children) carpet session and then the activities but I might get some more information tomorrow to see if there is a particular focus.



Thank you for your replies. I have spoken to my head who is observing me - there is no particular focus for the observation, she is just observing me teach in Nursery. It will be on the Olympics theme, so I need to come up with a really good idea for an adult led inside activity and an adult led outside activity as well some good ideas for things to make available in the water tray, sand tray etc - and I am stumped to be honest! There is no whole class carpet time that day (it just happens that we do specific language group activities that day) so that means the activities don't really need to link to anything apart from the Olympics topic - cpuld be anything really and I just can't settle on anything! I did wonder about making medals as one of the activities as we haven't touched on ordinal numbers really so I could maybe then do something on that using the medals (not sure what yet!) during the second carpet time (which isn't being observed). Any ideas would be appreciated, really want to get organised so I feel a bit less worried about it,


Thanks again,


K x

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