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Hello everyone, I'm starting a SCITT course in september, anyone any advice?? I'm starting to panic a little!!!! :o

whats a SCITTS course please?


Its School Centred Initial Teacher Training its a PGCE but its based in a school instead of uni.

Hello everyone, I'm starting a SCITT course in september, anyone any advice?? I'm starting to panic a little!!!! :o




Hi, my training was different but my advice is to do assignments as soon as you get them. If you leave them until the last minute you can guarantee something will happen.

My main piece of advice is to try not to worry and enjoy it. You will learn so much more being based in a school rather than going there just for placements. Wish i had been.

Good Luck and have fun. x


Hi brenda, first of all, dont panic..easy to say I know.

I mentor on the GTP programe which is very similar to the SCITT.


Do you know what you are panicking about? Is there something that concerns you more than anything else?


Do you have a training plan yet, sometimes that is complteted early at the start of the course but you may have been asked to complete an audit first?


Its helpful if you have been given any specific tasks to complete during the school holidays, particularly if you have any assigmments or specific reading to do. I would also highly recommend that you get teh skills tests doen out of the way asap. If you think you may have any problems with these (especially the maths which seems to cause loads of trouble), then I'd invest energy in pratice and revsion if you need it.


Also have a look at the 'qualifying to teach' standards book, give yourself a flavour for what they mean. Dont worry too much about them as you will be reciting them at bed time in no time at all.


Above all, enjoy your break, put your feet up and relax. The SCITT year will be hard going but enjoyable, so make the most of teh rest before the work begins in earnest.


I did the GTP course last year, as mentioned by Mundia. It's hard work, :o and good support is vital, but it's well worth it at the end. :)


There has been a similar post recently because I remember adding to it at great length. Can anybody remember where it is? I've looked briefly, but cannot find it.

whats a SCITTS course please?


It sounds to me like something you might need a course of antibiotics for.... but then I'm not clever enough for teacher training!




Thank you all sooooooooo much for your excellent advice and thanks Steve for locating the old site.

Mundia I think Im panicking most about the maths English and science but get a training plan the first week back so should probably feel a little better then, too much time to think about it at the moment, should I read the set texts, revise my M E and Science or what!!!!! but thanks so much for your advice. Brenda x


Hi Brenda, can you give us a clue what your set texts are? (curiosity that's all)


Regarding the skills tests, have you found them online yet? If not, Ill try to lcoate them for you.

My advice here is to actually have a go at doing them, starting with the one you feel most confident about . They dont take very long. This way you will learn the format and also identify any weakneeses you may have. Then you can concentrate on the kind of support you need to get that pass.


I would personally put my energies into this becuase if you do need any support in terms of coaching, then you have plenty of time to do it. It isnt a standard you can leave until the end and then start worrying about.


Does that help?


Hi Brenda! I completed the SCITT course 2 years ago now and loved every minute of it which im sure once it starts you will enjoy it too! I was worried about the skills tests- my advice is to take them as early as you can- Im sure it is still the case that you can take them as many times until you pass! I booked mine for the OCtober half term- on the thursday on the Monday I I did the tests online to practice and failed miserably- I then printed off the questions I got wrong and read the notes that it gives you, telling you how to work the questions out- I went through these questions again and again then completed the test again, then repeated the process! Youll find that they ask similiar questions on each test. Although I spent 2 whole days practicing them I passed all 3 first time!


Good luck!!! If you need any advice during your course Well try our best to support you!


Thanks again, and thanks Mundia for the link to the tests thats been really helpful x :D:D:D


Hi Brenda


I've just finished a SCITT course and I loved it!! Don't panic, if your course is anything like mine, you will be given plenty of warning of what is expected and the teaching practice is designed to break you in gently. There really weren't too many scary moments, although this time last year i was pretty worried about it.


I managed with two kids and some students managed to get through with much greater committments than mine, a couple even managed to get married during the course too! I was wonderfully supported as I'm sure you will be and I loved the fact that we spent so much time in school - this is definintely a strength of this type of training. Please feel free to fire any questions at me during the coming weeks/year and if i can help, i will.





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