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Chatter Boxes

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i am looking to introduce some chatter boxes into our room - a smallish box with items all linked to a theme with prompts for talking -however i am now stuck for items to put in the boxes - any ideas please?

i have textures, kitchen, bath time - any one out there with some fantastic ideas please


What a fab idea, I shall be watching this thread with interest.


Just off the top of my head, how about Spring, parties, pirates and The Jubilee? :1b


Hi Blondie


Have you looked on this wesite for some ideas for your chatter boxes.

chatterboxes - Leicestershire County Council




Have you considered using a story and having other resources to enhance the story for example the 'very busy spider' story by Eric Carle. You could put in the animals eg horse, cow etc... and the spider. Then a non fiction book about a spider, the nursery rhyme Incy wincy spider. I'm not sure if this is what you have in mind. Probably of no use but thought I would post an idea. I haven't posted anything for awhile.




oooh have you seen Michael Jones website? - he is a massive advocate of Chatterboxes and recommends starting with something familiar to the children - like current trendy characters - Bob the Builder, in the night garden, hello kitty etc. We canvassed the parents and got loads of bits and bobs to go in them


We've always avoided using stuff like this (the tv characters) but they were a guaranteed hit, especially with our 'reluctant talkers' :-)


We also did staff boxes - shoe boxes filled with stuff to represent our personalities, families, likes etc - the kids love them, especially as some things they don't get 'up close and personal to' on a daily basis so they are a massive draw


From these we observed focus children's responses and built on the themes from the things they talked about


Look forward to seeing how else we can develop these - great thread Blondie :-)



How inspirational you all are! I have just decided I shall create a 'Jubilee Chatterbox' to introduce the idea of the forthcoming celebrations! Can just see them pulling out lovely Union Jack bunting....tiaras, The Queens Knickers etc etc ......quite looking forward to it now!!! :)

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