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Adding To Policies

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I have to add a few changes to my health and safety policy. Can anyone tell me how to do it please. Do I have to get the policy re-adopted or can I just put a bit on the end and initial it?


Thanks, Gizzy


Hmm. I'd say as a general principle you always need to have a system whereby everyone reads the changes you make to any policy (whether this is via a staff meeting, or a weekly check through a change recording document).


No point in having a policy written down that only the author knows, is there? :)


We review policies annually and if we update a policy we always rewrite it, adding or changing, and all read and sign it. At the bottom we have "This policy was updated and amended on ....." We keep a copy of the old policy in the folder with it, just to prove that we have actually made changes. If we don't make changes we just put the date it was reviewed.


No point in having a policy written down that only the author knows, is there?  :)


Aren't policies just to keep the likes of Ofsted happy? Nobody actually follows them do they?


Sorry for the sarcasm: Just been to school to pick up my son and witnessed the most flagrant flouting of health and safety policy: live power tools left on the floor while children mill about; a chappy using one of those cutting tools which showers sparks through the air; wires trailing everywhere.


We're a private group: we have an annual review of policies which parents are invited to contribute to, and any changes are circulated to all parents and signed off by "da management".




Oh Maz, It might be sarcastic but I do agree. I have visited settings and seen things that make me wonder if they have any policies at all! :o


Our policies are reviewed annually, as well as when legislation changes. But up until now I have always had to do major changes so have rewritten the whole policy never just added a bit.


Thanks for your comment will take them onboard :)


Through doing our Kitemark, we have just started a system of a "rolling programme" over a year, to review our policies, as we have so many it is impractical to review all of them all at once, once a year. ( see even the sentence explaining it is too much :o ).

So, we are going to review one policy a week, at staff meetings, put the change, if any on our notice board for parents to comment on ( partnership) and reprint.


I, as manager have the responsibility to ensure policies are adhered to in practice, and this is what Ofsted will look for. This can be evidenced in supervision meetings, staff minute meetings etc.


I agree with your comments though Maz and Steve, but enless everyone is involved in the process then how can we expect them to know and follow them in practice.






p.s. The overriding policy in practice should be COMMON SENSE AT ALL TIMES. :o



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