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Quick Kindle Help All Ye Experts Out There.

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Im loving my kindle, take it everywhere with me!


But I'm having trouble finding out page numbers. Ive just signed up for an MA, so Im doing all sorts of reading on it, and of course if I quote anything I will need to ref the page number. But at the bottom of mine I only get a % sowing how far I am through the book.


Does anyone know how to change this for page numbers please?


Im reading 'Nurturing Natures: Attachment and Children's Emotional, Sociocultural and Brain Development ' by Graham Music at the moment. Its fab, very readable!


When you are on a page press the menu button, you should see a page number (out of so many pages) and a location at the bottom of the page. I think it may have to do with the particular book though as sometimes it only shows a location.


Not sure if there is another way to do it.




P.S. I love mine too!


I was moaning about this too until my husband pointed out reasonably logically that it is to do with the font size you read on and the page on the kindle may not be the same size page that the original book was printed on.


My argument was if I used large font why couldn't the kindle show for example page 6 of the book all the time at the bottom even if that page actually constituted 4 'kindle' pages if on large font.


This of course would mean that depending on the font size you were reading paragraphs might be split at odd places to sync with either the written page or the kindle page.


So rather grumpily I had to concede it was probably not possible which is why the book shows at a percentage not as a page number.


Although, if you bookmark something....when you look at the bookmark does it not give the real books page number then?

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