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New Premises - Cost !

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Hello everyone , we after many many years may have the opportunity to relocate to a school site. Its still very much in the early planning stages but we will need to be housed in a temporary Elliot/terrapin type building which we will need to rent/purchase as there is nothing on the site suitable at present. We have made some very tentative enquiries to companies who supply these types of buildings and have been shocked at i nitial prices which we doubt any setting could afford - do any of you lease or have bought a similar thing and would you be kind enough to indicate costings - as we feel its really not worth pursuing of its as high as we have found x Dizzzzz


We bought a 2nd hand refurbished modular building for £40,000 and it is very good - completely refitted internally to our specification.


We have been looking at modular buildings and couldn't believe the cost. I have also queried second hand ones but have been informed that the building regs have changed fairly recently and the second hand modules won't pass the regulations (think it's part L).

I was told by a very snotty woman at a modular build place when i told her my requirements that their 26 place nurseries start from £130,000!


We have been looking at Log cabin style ones, which do come in a lot cheaper - just need some land to put one now:(


Here's a link to the site I've been looking at http://www.slcd.co.uk/index.php?main_page=...&chapter=10


Not sure when the regs changed but our building has just been passed by building regs and it is 2nd hand - I think they can be refurbished to pass - we originally had problems with our electric tests but it was all sorted. Bought ours from DP Modular Buildings - www.dpmodularspace.co.uk




I can recommend Cabinco log cabins http://cabinco.co.uk/gallery/school-buildings-gallery/


Lots of pictures of the build process here, which was completed in just 9 weeks. You would be looking at 100k for the building and then similar for the ground works, planning permission etc.


Hope this helps.

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