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Phases Of Development

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When looking at children's learning, I sometimes struggle to decide which phase to place an activity into when highlighting the phase in their learning journeys. E.g. a child playing with a water spray says "We're making a river" - KUW, Place - but 30-50m or 40-60+m? Of course, it could also be included in other areas of learning as well. Comments appreciated!


  • 2 weeks later...

you can cross reference across areas of development using one observation. I am doing my learning journeys as we speak - I am having difficulty writing on the journals or using observation formats and highligting. I have totally lost it - I am sorry!!!


I always look at the 'maturity' of the comment or activity and level of understanding. I have an idea of the level they are working at and generally would place in that age band unless the comment "I'm making a river" comes with a deeper level of understanding or other comments too, such as 'It's slow in this bit where there's stones' or 'There's a waterfall on this bit, you've gotta be careful, the stones are slippy'

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