Guest Posted March 16, 2011 Posted March 16, 2011 (edited) Hi everyone, I have just started the TMA 1 for E230 and I am going round and round and round in circles!!! I have done my audits and basically have realised that my knowledge is horrendous in Maths & science! How on earth do i recall and write about positive and negative experiences in these subjects whilst also being critical in 1000 words. All I want to put is " my study has confirmed how crap my knowledge is in both Mathematics and in science!!!!!" I have read and read the guidance and I seriously want to put my head in my oven!! My tutorials are miles away and hardly anyone uses the forum on OU. Any help would be much appreciated Many thanks Edited March 16, 2011 by Guest
Cait Posted March 16, 2011 Posted March 16, 2011 Hi Zoe, I did this course many moons ago and I'm happy to help if I can
Guest Posted March 17, 2011 Posted March 17, 2011 Hi Zoe, I did E230 last year and can remember feeling exactly the same way when starting TMA 01. However, I tried to put a positive spin on the audits, at least I would be able to demonstrate an improvement throughout the course. Don't worry too much about how well you did in the Audits!! When writting the TMA I thought about my schooling in the three subjects and tried to sum them up, English was a positive and Mathematich and Science were negative for me so I wrote briefly stating this. I loved English therefore did well etc, Hated Maths and didn't do well etc, Never took Science seriously so could have done better etc. There are not enough words to go into much detail! Try and sum each subject up as best you can you may have enjoyed a subject at school but not done well in exams which could be a positive and a negative. For part 2, i spoke about becoming self employed and the positive impact that doing my own accounts had on my attitude towards mathematics. Using Mathematics for a purpose etc. and Keeping Marine fish - learning about water science etc. I hope that helps a little :0) Good Luck Carol x
Guest Posted March 17, 2011 Posted March 17, 2011 Hi ladies thank you for replying, Thank you Carol for your idea there - I too used to be a childminder and I had forgotten about the use of mathemeatics in my accounts and tax returns - so that is really helpful. Any help is much much appreciated - I actually feel quite scared of this TMA, I am also doing E215 and that is a discussion paper which again has thrown me, the funniest thing is, I thought I had chosen the easiest TMA first! The thing is I know that my knowledge is poor in mathematics, I loved science and english at school, however didnt do that well in science -Teachers!!!! Ha!!! I just cannot see how I can have a critical discussion about my knowledge -so confused and I just don't know where to start!! Zoe
Guest Posted March 18, 2011 Posted March 18, 2011 Oh poor you, E215 as well - I'm also doing that one, not enjoying it at all but the end is in sight lol. Good Luck Carol xx
Guest Posted March 18, 2011 Posted March 18, 2011 I am struggling with even doing the audit! I missed the tutorial and as Zoe says, hardly anyone uses the OU forum. Firstly I was horrified with the assessments, the assessments were for GCE standard and I am teaching 3 - 4 years olds! How much details are we supposed to put in the Audit form, just basic details or are we supposed to match them to the assessments? I really though I was going to enjoy this module, now I am not so sure!
Guest Posted March 18, 2011 Posted March 18, 2011 Ha Ha Saturnpa - you are so right. On one of the maths activities, I couldn't work out how it was changed into a fraction and I was asking myself why? There is no hope for me!! I thought I was going to get more of an understanding about how I can bring these subjects into my pre-school, but all that has happened is that I have got more negative about my own knowledge?? I have done my audits and I can now think of a couple of times when I have had to use my knowledge and was surprised but I still have no idea where to start, I have emailed my tutor about this and she has told me to wait until after the tutorial tomorrow and she will email notes out by Monday, and not to worry!!! I just don't know how to put it in writing and be critical Easier said than done!
Gezabel Posted March 18, 2011 Posted March 18, 2011 hi sorry i am in a rush right now but I did E230 when it was first presented and I am sure it has been discussed in depth on here before. If you put E230 into 'search forum posts' and then click 'titles only' at the bottom it should come up with a list of previous discussions which I think might be helpful. sorry I am dashing out and don't have time right now!
Guest Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 TMA01 – DO NOT WRITE THE TMA UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE THE RELEVANT STUDY BLOCK. The best way to work is to look at the TMA instructions at the start of each block, then keep the instructions in mind as you work through the stated materials and make notes on anything you want to use in your assignment. Be honest! Yes, talk about your strengths, but admit your areas for development (weaknesses). Part 1 This needs to be sub-divided into the three subjects and address each one equally. You may have more strengths than areas for development (weaknesses) in certain subject areas. Use specific personal examples and try to refer back to course materials to show similarities/differences between examples discussed / achievements in the audits etc (refer to your audit summary Subject audit summary example Subject Strengths Comments on strengths Areas for development Comments on areas for development Language Mathematics Science N.B. You should be able to cut and paste this table onto another blank word document. Then you should be able to type straight into it and it should grow as you do so. REMEMBER Part 1 should be written as prose; the table cannot replace your written account, only support it, so put the table in the appendix. I would suggest using sub-headings and allow approximately 100 words for each sub-section. Part 2 Now you have to choose 2 of the 3 subject areas. Again you need to equally divide them up to ensure balance. You are talking about a positive outcome on your knowledge. Again use sub-headings to keep you on task. It may be something within your professional or personal life e.g. Working with language support with your own children at home / children in your setting Planning a new carpet/ tiling bathroom/ turfing garden etc at home Living within a budget – planning forward i.e. bills and what is left Use of electricity (make savings) / batteries / circuits The list could go on. Part 3 Refer back to the incidents or periods that were your focus in part 2. How has your attitude developed? Building confidence / changing approaches etc. Again use sub-headings to keep you on task. ensure you read the referencing section in your assessment guide.
Guest Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 Can you think of something that happened (that's related in some way to math, science or language) in the past that you didn't think you could achieve, but you took the bull by the horns and conquered? Block 1 has examples such as decorating, shopping, issues with the bank etc. Try not to think too hard, remember math, science and language is all around us in our daily lives. The study material does give some suggestions on page 23 as jobs, interests, hobbies.
Guest Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 Hi Lisa888 Thank you soooo much!!!! I really hadn't though of looking at the subjects like that! I have been helping my 8 year old son with his maths today and have actually learnt how to multiply fractions!!! This is one area that I was always rubbish at, and also scared of attempting!!! So I guess although I have negative experiences, I would say that today has made me see it in a fun way and made me realise that maths isn't so bad!! Thank you very much for your tips, I have started, and it is only 1000 words, but that seems like a huge milestone. Zoe
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