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Hi - just thought I would pick your brains! I'm not very knowledgable about classical music, although I wish I was. I recognise pieces of music but can never put names to the music! I was wondering whether you have got any favourite pieces, particularly ones which you enjoy using and sharing with the children in your settings. Are their any pieces which you find really useful for particular a purpose: I'm thinking of, for example, Flight of the Bumblebee, for listening to 'fast' music, moving rapidly or linking to moving like a particular creature; or Aquarium from Carnival of the Animals to fit a 'watery' or 'mysterious' theme or evoke a range of movement. Not sure if I've made sense there, but hopefully someone will be able to fathom what I'm getting at! :o


We listen to a fair bit of classical music, I like a bit of Mozart playing when children are doing arty crafty things by themselves. It's interesting to see the variation in effort if music is on compared to if it's not. Children sustain their activity for longer


I've used the William Tell Overture and the hall of the mountain King and the children really enjoy these. Each week I try to find a piece of music to listen to at the beginning of my singing time.



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