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We had to use different room today and I spread the chairs out that are sometimes stacked. After lunch I reminded a staff member that we shouldn't stack chairs when the children are in the room. She said that it was ok to stack them 4 high. I disagree and I'm sure that I've read about this recently but just can't remember where. The staff member was actually our H&S officer so I never pushed it.


Answers asap please. As far as I'm concerned it's common sense but as my lovely husband often points out to me ' there's no such thing as common sense when it comes to H&S'




In a sense I think you are both right - while the children are using the room the chairs shouldn't be stacked up, but when you finish, they should only be stacked 4 high, just in case!!


I'm not sure where you stand from a H&S point of view but I would never stack chairs when the children are in the room - especially as they love to climb on them and even 2 stacked chairs can be unsteady.


This is just my 'common sense' approach though! :o


Gosh that's worrying as we have children's chairs stacked within the hall when they're not in use, we have to there is nowhere else for them to go.


Wouldn't it be down to adult supervision? If the chairs are tucked away and you are keeping an eye on the children, surely that would be fine? I would hope my staff would notice if children were clambering onto stacked chairs rather than purposefully engaged in activities.


We used to stack 4 high and have them stacked so that they were back out to room... no one ever had an issue with that in all the time I worked there...


but as an aside if I were to have to have had them all on one level it would have filled the hall and left no room for us! when you work in halls there are often chairs left from others in them which have to be worked around.. in our case there were 150 chairs stacked .. imagine us having to put all of them out and away every day on top of all the getting of our stuff out and away... those chairs filled the floor space when out! and having a sea of chairs out would/could cause more of an issue with children playing on and under them... so much harder to control....



we found it a case of teaching the children that they should not go on them, keep away and generally oversee that they didn't.. worked well, never had any that climbed on them in 10 years...


risk assess and state why , give reasons and supervise..




Thanks for all of your replies, when I went in today the chairs were unstacked by the staff I'd spoken to yesterday. I understand about the big hall problem as we have use of one that we only ever used on rainy days ( not since open door policy). There were over 100 stacked chairs and we just kept the children away from them.

My problem was in a small room where you could easily lay them out

I'll be bringing it up at the next staff meeting, just incase!

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