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Not sure where to ask this so i thought i'd try here but if there's a better place please tell me.

I have just started my foundation degree thanks to money from the GLF but I am quite unhappy in my job and am considering leaving, i am wondering if anyone knows where i would stand with the money from my GLF? one of the pre-requisites was that you must live and work in the brough so if i get a new job in the brough will they just transfer the money over? i am assuming my current workplace would have to pay back what i havn't used? but they also get a bonus of 2k so i am confused as to whether it will make it hard to change jobs. The lady from the LA is on holiday so I can't ask them until she gets back. I'm not sure I can handle it for another year


Unless a member here is from your Local Authority has done this I think it is likely that you'll have to wait for your contact to get back from her holiday - it is quite a specific question.


It really depends on the terms and conditions your LA sets on awarding GLF. I can't see how it will make it hard for you to change jobs, but it may be that your new employer might not be able to claim GLF for you. I've no idea if your LA makes settings pay back the GLF if the graduate leaves - again probably only they can anser that.


I hope you get it all sorted soon - it is sad enough to be unhappy in your job, without stressing about GLF money.




I don't really know, but I would have thought the place you moved to would have to meet the same criteria as your current work place and not already have someone doing their training.


Annoying to have to wait and find out for sure but best to know all the options before making any major moves.


Good luck

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