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Hi there everybody,


Just wondered what information you give to your parents about what is going on the classroom, when do you give it and in what format?


At present, we (Reception Class) have to fit in with the rest of the school by sending out a Topic Web :o at the beginning of each half term. I have complied with this up until now, but really I don't feel this is good EYFS practice. I would much prefer to send home information on a more regular basis and in retrospect - for example "This week we have been learning ........ This is how you can help ........ etc." We are not in the fortunate position of having a notice board where I could put up this information, but we do have a website if necessary.


I do have regular daily contact with parents where general information can be passed, we have reading meetings etc., it is just the general day to day stuff that I would like to send home.


Any ideas would be very welcome - thanks


Email could be the answer if you can find a suitable alternative for parents who do not have access to emails.Perhaps a few printed versions left in a tray in the classroom for those without email to pick up when they bring the child into the classroom?


Subvert the prescribed topic web and include what your Look listen and note observation statements are as criteria for children making the planned progress and ask parents on said newsletter to send you any observations they make of children demonstrating new learning in the home environment so e.g alongside saying "we are learning to blend phonemes" you could put "if you hear/see your child working out how 2 sounds fit together please let us know"


That way parents have a clue about what to share with you and it supports further involvement of parents in your EYFSP assessment processes too.


In a primary school subtle subversion of what is expected is the best way sometimes to make the change!!!


Subvert the prescribed topic web and include what your Look listen and note observation statements are as criteria for children making the planned progress and ask parents on said newsletter to send you any observations they make of children demonstrating new learning in the home environment so e.g alongside saying "we are learning to blend phonemes" you could put "if you hear/see your child working out how 2 sounds fit together please let us know"


That way parents have a clue about what to share with you and it supports further involvement of parents in your EYFSP assessment processes too.


In a primary school subtle subversion of what is expected is the best way sometimes to make the change!!!




Hear! Hear! Catma



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