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Outdoor Planning Formats

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I'm currently changing our outdoor planning format and was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their format with me?


Much appreciate


I have been reading a book about Outdoor play in the EYFS and Helen Bilton (outdoor play guru), states the planning for outdoors should not be seperate to the indoor planning, each should compliment the other.


So the idea would be to plan for the 6 areas as a whole, but to incorporate indoors and outdoors within the same plan.


Sorry, not not be of any help with a format, but thought I'd add my thoughts about separate outdoor plans.



I love that book Millhill! We have a continuous provision format which does just as Helen Bilton advises - we have three columns with a row for each area of learning. In the first column we write in the learning objectives that we are focusing on in the current week or fortnight, the next column has the enhancements that link to those objectives - black for indoors and green for outdoors and in the third column we write in the enhancements that are continuing, for individual interests etc (e.g. those that don't link directly with the objective). Our EYAT liked it because it has learning objectives to link adult-led with child-initiated play.

Hope that helps

Green Hippo x


Thanks for recommending that book - will order a copy! Sounds similar to the way I do my continuous provision planning with indoor and outdoor on the same plan. Although i haven't had learning objectives on mine because i felt they are for the children to decide on their learning. But I have thought that maybe I should put intended learning objectives. I currently just have learning objectives for my adult led tasks - maybe I should be linking them? The continuous provision does always have links to the adult led learning as well as children's interests. What are others doing on theirs?

Thanks! x



Our learning objectives on our CP plan are just as you said 'intended learning objectives' - they are there to show the reasoning behind our enhancements. Of course the children often use the resources etc differently to what us adults imagine! However, all the adults are aware of the weekly objectives so they can focus on them when supporting the children's play if the opportunity arises (e.g. without changing child-led play into adult-led!). I was advised that it was good practice to include objectives on the CP plan to show that you are thinking about the learning behind additional resources! (Probably another thing we do to justify what we are doing to others!!).

Green Hippo x


Thanks Green hippo, that makes a lot of sense. I had felt that I should be doing that and I do always have an intended learning in mind so I will do this from September. x


In the first column we write in the learning objectives that we are focusing on in the current week or fortnight, the next column has the enhancements that link to those objectives - black for indoors and green for outdoors and in the third column we write in the enhancements that are continuing, for individual interests etc (e.g. those that don't link directly with the objective).


Would you be able to upload a copy of your plan so that we can have a look?


I love that book Millhill! We have a continuous provision format which does just as Helen Bilton advises - we have three columns with a row for each area of learning. In the first column we write in the learning objectives that we are focusing on in the current week or fortnight, the next column has the enhancements that link to those objectives - black for indoors and green for outdoors and in the third column we write in the enhancements that are continuing, for individual interests etc (e.g. those that don't link directly with the objective). Our EYAT liked it because it has learning objectives to link adult-led with child-initiated play.

Hope that helps

Green Hippo x


Hi Green Hippo, would you be able to upload your plans so that we can have a look?


I would love to upload a plan, however, I had it PMed to me from another forum member so I'm not sure about putting on the forum - sorry. Maybe I could PM you with it - I'll ask the person who sent it to me.


if you get permission any chance you can PM me too? Thank you! x

Perhaps the document's author would like to put them in the resources library for everyone to see!?




Could I possibly have copy too as the original writer of this post?


Thank you



I have received permission from the person who gave me the original plans which I have adapted to suit our setting. I hope you find them useful. We hand-write in resources that are added through the week in response to children's interests and needs. We also write an evaluation/next steps at the bottom to feed into next weeks planning.

Green Hippo x



I have received permission from the person who gave me the original plans which I have adapted to suit our setting. I hope you find them useful. We hand-write in resources that are added through the week in response to children's interests and needs. We also write an evaluation/next steps at the bottom to feed into next weeks planning.

Green Hippo x


Thank you very much for attaching Green Hippo, really useful to see. x


I have received permission from the person who gave me the original plans which I have adapted to suit our setting. I hope you find them useful. We hand-write in resources that are added through the week in response to children's interests and needs. We also write an evaluation/next steps at the bottom to feed into next weeks planning.

Green Hippo x


That's a great help. Thank you


Thanks for that. It looks, at my first late night glance, like a very usuable format.


I love seeing everyones different formats...very interesting!

I just wondered.........

How do you decide on what learning objectives to cover each week?

How do you plan what to put out in the other areas ie, sand, water, messy play or small world area each day? x


Hi Bubbles00,

Our learning objectives are decided on through next steps from observations. We do a medium-term plan which is mainly just learning objectives which we feel we need to cover over the next few weeks based on our observations, so our weekly objectives are taken from this medium-term plan or from other next steps from the previous week if we feel that we need to address these immediately e.g. a misconception or a chance to extend observed learning.

All our continuous provision enhancements are written on this weekly plan - if an area is not mentioned then the enhancements will be continued from the previous week - this will be hand written on the previous plan to show it is continuing. We don't often enhance an area with different resources just for 1 day as we feel that this is not enough time for all the children to access it and then extend their learning through the new resources.

Hope that helps

Green Hippo x

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