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Eyfs Guide For Parents


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Can anyone please point me in the direction of where I can find a very simplified version of the EYFS for Parents?


It has become clear that some including committee memebers don't realise how much time and effort my staff team put into observations and Learning journals



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Hi, I have a simplified guide I wrote but it is more about the 6 areas than about obs and profiles.


Just a thought, do you share your children's journals with parents? That might be the very best way for them to see how much effort goes in.


I'm afraid it is a bit like that in education - those outside very rarely realise quite how much hard work you do. I just wish they paid you more!

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I'm sure I've uploaded mine somewhere on here, I'll have a search about, it's one of those things that seems to be asked for quite regularly


Can't find mine but this thread may have something helpful.


Mine's on my laptop

Edited by Cait
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We have shared the learning journals but i don't feel they are enough.


My committee think they just come in and play and i need to convince them otherwise so that i can try and negoiate extra pay from them for training and meetings etc.


Thanks you for the sample

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