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Hi I was hoping someone could inform me about the job opportunities available after completing my foundation degree xD . Alongside of the jobs I would be suitable to apply for if I continue on to complete my BA honours :o . At the moment I am at the beginning of my second year of the FD and I am weighing up my options :( . Would love to get my life back ASAP :( so am considering stopping after completing my FD. Any help would be useful :( , Thanks in advance xxx


What do you do at the moment, cinc76 - apart from study that is?




Hi Maz, at the moment I am childminding, I am hoping to find something else after my degree. Have had experience of working in nurseries and schools. I am hoping to work alongside adults more than hands on with children. However would be interested to know what is available with a degree compared to if I completed my BA honours.


I think from my experience an adult job as opposed to hands on with the children might be linked to your LA support teams or training other child care workers. In my area the LA team have level 3 qualifications but in a neighbouring LA they are actively seeking candidates with EYP status (!) for this role. So it might be worth speaking to a friendly LA bod to see what the situation is in your area. I also teach on a FdA and for that I needed to have my full degree and my EYPS didn't harm. I'm not sure what you would need to work in teaching at a lower level such as NVQ, except lots of people take the A1 assessors course to help with this. I would advise you to continue with the degree if at all possible in the grounds that a full degree would always be more marketable than just the FdA in my opinion - not, I hasten to add, that there is anything wrong with "just" the FdA. I applaud anyone who gains any qualification while juggling a job like one in EYs and family and a life!

I would advise you to continue with the degree if at all possible in the grounds that a full degree would always be more marketable than just the FdA in my opinion - not, I hasten to add, that there is anything wrong with "just" the FdA.

I agree, Holly - I had no intention of doing anything other than the Foundation Degree but then they kept dangling other opportunities in front of me and I couldn't resist. Gaining the Foundation Degree is such an achievement and should be recognised on its own merits, but I think a full degree would make you more marketable in terms of securing employment simply because everyone understands what a degree is!


Perhaps you need to think about the kind of work you'd like to do, and work out what you need to do in order to get there, cinc76. I know that some of our LA development officers are doing the Foundation Degree and topping up to a relevant degree, so if you're interested in working in an advisory capacity I'd definitely take up Holly's advice about talking to them about opportunities that might be coming up in the future.




Thanks alot for your advice, think I was having one of them days yesterday where everything just gets on top of you :( . I am considering dropping one of the days that I childmind, to give me more time with my uni work and to spend with my family xD , as at the moment I just seem to be constantly on the go :( . I will definately look into what you have advised :( . Thanks alot xx :o


I agree with Holly35 and Happy Maz. Having a full BA will open your options further, should you want to go into teaching for example. Also with a full BA you would be able to do the EYPS if so wanted to.

I have a BA (in fine art and early childhood studies) and even though I am limbo with what I am going to do I know it will help me to progress :)

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